Visitation of Spirits Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Visitation of Spirits Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jethro say to Ruth the one time she remembers him expressing regret?
(a) He told her he wished her life did not have to be so hard and that he is not worthy of her.
(b) He told her she should not have had so many children.
(c) He told her he should have married his neighbor instead of her.
(d) He told her he should have allowed her to go back to work.

2. What does Zeke ask the waitress about the hogs they use in their food in the section titled Old Demonology?
(a) Whether they are organic.
(b) Whether they are from America or imported from foreign countries.
(c) Whether they kill them themselves.
(d) Whether they are halal.

3. Why is Jonnie Mae so upset that Horace has a new group of all-white friends?
(a) She thinks they are actually just making fun of him and will hurt his feelings, humiliating him.
(b) She thinks they are using him to commit crimes.
(c) She thinks they will lead him astray and that it is dangerous for him to be spending time with them.
(d) She thinks they will eventually physically harm him.

4. What is one of the ramblings of Asa's roommate, an old, confused white woman?
(a) She is worried about the running of her farm, which she remembers from her past.
(b) She is worried she is missing church.
(c) She is worried she is missing a friend's funeral.
(d) She is worried she is missing her niece's christening.

5. What does Horace do to Gideon in the locker room at school in the section titled Holy Science?
(a) He kicks Gideon in the groin.
(b) He punches Gideon hard in the face.
(c) He stabs Gideon.
(d) He shoots Gideon.

6. What does Zeke tell Reverend Greene it takes a right smart man to do in the section titled Old Demonology?
(a) Empathize with someone.
(b) Learn new things.
(c) Forget.
(d) Forgive.

7. What does Horace's and Gideon's science experiment involve in the section titled Holy Science?
(a) Harmonics.
(b) Complicated chemistry.
(c) Mendelian properties.
(d) Non-Newtonian liquids.

8. What project does Horace undertake with his Uncle Lester in the section titled Holy Science?
(a) They paint their relatives' houses.
(b) They begin clearing the forest for more farmland.
(c) They cut the neighbors' grass.
(d) They build a stone wall around the Cross property.

9. How does the family treat Rose when she returns in the section titled Holy Science?
(a) They treat her like a prodigal daughter, welcoming her with open arms.
(b) They are indifferent to her.
(c) They treat her like a servant girl, belittling and humiliating her.
(d) They say she can stay, but on the condition that she goes back to school to get her degree.

10. How many children did Zeke's grandfather Ezra have in total?
(a) 12.
(b) 10.
(c) 14.
(d) 8.

11. Who was one of Horace's first girlfriends?
(a) Gracie Mae Mayfield.
(b) Melissa Maynard.
(c) Amy Williams.
(d) Rose Herlands.

12. What is Reverend Greene's wife's full maiden name?
(a) Anne Richards Robinson.
(b) Anne Gazelle DuBois.
(c) Mary Anne Richards.
(d) Mary Jefferson Clark.

13. What does Horace ask Reverend Jimmy Greene in the section titled Holy Science that takes Reverend Greene aback?
(a) He asks Reverend Greene if he would ever perform a gay marriage ceremony.
(b) He asks Reverend Greene if he enjoyed sexual experiences he had with men.
(c) He asks Reverend Greene to help him pay for college.
(d) He asks Reverend Greene to help him enroll in culinary school.

14. What is the one thing Rose loves that her mother Jonnie Mae cannot understand?
(a) The North.
(b) Painting.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Pleasure.

15. How many children did Jethro and Ruth have?
(a) 10.
(b) 9.
(c) 7.
(d) 12.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of Jonnie Mae's daughters never married?

2. What does Reverend Greene think was part of Horace's reason for existing, in hindsight, as he describes it in the section titled Old Demonology?

3. Who was the oldest of Ezra Cross's children?

4. Which reverend gives the blessing at the Cross's Thanksgiving dinner in 1983?

5. Who is Gideon's mother?

(see the answer keys)

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