Violets Are Blue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Violets Are Blue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Mastermind has no use for...
(a) Friendship
(b) Games
(c) Love
(d) Police work

2. What is the biggest clue about Craig's obsession?
(a) Dislike for Cross' relationship
(b) Collects photos of vampires
(c) Works excessively long hours
(d) Calls home every hour

3. What causes Cross to link Craig to his brother's death?
(a) Scrapbook
(b) Informant
(c) Instinct
(d) Sibling rivalry

4. Why is Cross delayed in meeting up with Craig?
(a) Doctor's orders
(b) Little Alex gets sick
(c) There is a hurricane
(d) Nana won't allow it

5. Who confronts Hughes and takes her to the vampires?
(a) Westin
(b) William and Michael
(c) Daniel and Charles
(d) Fresno Kid

6. Mastermind believes what is about to happen?
(a) Cross will figure out his identity
(b) Cross will fly home
(c) Hughes will get kidnapped
(d) He will be caught

7. Who is not informed about Craig's alter ego?
(a) Burns
(b) Hughes
(c) Sampson
(d) Cavelierre

8. Where are the police headed to find the murderers?
(a) French Quarter
(b) Fetish ball
(c) Mardi Gras
(d) Garden District

9. What must happen before Craig is caught?
(a) He must confront Hughes
(b) He has to flee the country
(c) Cross must die
(d) He has to destroy his souvenirs

10. Who does Cross save in the tunnel?
(a) William
(b) Craig
(c) Michael
(d) Jamilla

11. Who treats Cross to breakfast in bed?
(a) Jamilla
(b) Jannie
(c) Nana
(d) Damon

12. Who spots the cops at the magicians' house?
(a) Charles
(b) Michael
(c) William
(d) Daniel

13. Where does Cross finally confront Craig?
(a) At the Cross house on 5th Street
(b) At FBI headquarters
(c) At Kate McTiernan's house
(d) At Aunt Tia's house

14. Who corroborates Cross' theory about Craig's brother?
(a) Martin
(b) Dr. Finlay
(c) Hughes
(d) Sampson

15. Who is not a suspect in the murder case?
(a) Casanova
(b) Daniel
(c) William
(d) Charles

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Cross get inside Jamilla's house?

2. What item is burned into the gate?

3. What is the suspected location of the vampires?

4. Who do the magicians emulate?

5. Where does Cross wait for the Mastermind?

(see the answer keys)

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