The Violent Bear It Away Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Violent Bear It Away Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bishop try to do during the ride to the lake?
(a) Climb into the front seat.
(b) Jump out of the car.
(c) Shove Tarwater.
(d) Sing the entire time.

2. Why does Rayber hold Bishop in his lap at the park?
(a) To tie his shoe.
(b) To get a hug.
(c) To wait for Tarwater.
(d) To keep him quiet.

3. Why does Rayber feel he had ruined his plan in chapter 9?
(a) Because he let Bishop see the burned cabin.
(b) Because he left Tarwater alone.
(c) Because he went to Powderhead too soon.
(d) Because he ended the fishing trip too soon.

4. What does Tarwater ask to buy at the gas station?
(a) Orange juice.
(b) Water.
(c) A purple drink.
(d) Soda.

5. What does the car look like that stops for Tarwater?
(a) It is all black.
(b) It is lavender and cream colored.
(c) It is shorter than most cars.
(d) It has an extra tire on the back.

6. What does Tarwater do with the dirt off of Mason's grave?
(a) He smears it on his forehead.
(b) He stomps it flat.
(c) He kicks it.
(d) He throws it.

7. What does Rayber realize about Tarwater as he looks into the pool of water?
(a) That he cannot keep him in his house.
(b) That he cannot understand him.
(c) That he cannot reason with him.
(d) That he cannot save him.

8. How does Tarwater describe Rayber's hearing aid?
(a) He says Rayber is a robot.
(b) He says Rayber is incomplete.
(c) He says Rayber can read minds.
(d) He says Rayber relies on it too much.

9. What does Tarwater do to the forked tree by the burned cabin?
(a) He carves his name in it.
(b) He burns it.
(c) He climbs it.
(d) He chops it down.

10. Why does Tarwater say he was a fool?
(a) For baptizing Bishop.
(b) For drowning Bishop.
(c) For burning Mason's body.
(d) For burning the cabin in Powderhead.

11. What happens when Tarwater takes Bishop on the boat?
(a) He baptizes and drowns him.
(b) He baptizes him.
(c) He and Bishop get lost.
(d) He drowns him.

12. What does Tarwater say is "better than the Bread of Life"?
(a) Whiskey.
(b) Salvation.
(c) Water.
(d) Money.

13. What does Tarwater request from the child standing in front of the Negro's shack?
(a) A bible.
(b) Some money.
(c) Some water.
(d) Some food.

14. Why does Bishop sit on the stairs in front of Tarwater?
(a) He wants attention.
(b) He wants his shoes tied.
(c) He wants to be in the way.
(d) He wants to kick Tarwater.

15. What does the city park remind Rayber of?
(a) Trash.
(b) Freedom.
(c) Powderhead.
(d) Peace.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Rayber was in the newspaper, what did the caption say?

2. When does Tarwater believe he can walk to Powderhead by?

3. Where did Rayber's wife, Bernice, go when she left him?

4. How does Bishop look when they check into the hotel?

5. What does the driver of the car say cures a cough?

(see the answer keys)

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