The Violent Bear It Away Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Violent Bear It Away Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mason Tarwater do for a living?
(a) Sells moonshine.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Shines shoes.
(d) Preacher.

2. How old was Lucette when she began preaching?
(a) Ten.
(b) Six.
(c) Eight.
(d) Eleven.

3. What does Mason tell Tarwater a benefit of living in the woods is?
(a) Tarwater gets his own chicken.
(b) Tarwater gets to learn outdoorsman skills.
(c) Tarwater doesn't have to go to school.
(d) Tarwater doesn't have to buy food.

4. Why does the schoolteacher use the help of a welfare office worker?
(a) To get Tarwater back.
(b) To find a new job.
(c) To get unemployment.
(d) To get child support.

5. Who did Mason convince to get a job in his sister's house?
(a) The schoolteacher.
(b) Bernice.
(c) Luella Munson.
(d) Tarwater.

6. What does Tarwater know as soon as he sees Bishop?
(a) That he has to baptize him.
(b) That he needs to kidnap him.
(c) That he needs a bath.
(d) That the schoolteacher has been beating him.

7. According to the voice, what's the only reason Mason wanted Tarwater?
(a) So someone would give him a Christian burial.
(b) So someone would take over the business.
(c) So someone would keep him company.
(d) So someone would have to pay his taxes.

8. What does the banner say on the building Rayber thinks Tarwater went into late at night?
(a) "Pray ye, for all."
(b) "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
(c) "Unless ye be born again."
(d) "The time has come."

9. Why does Rayber have a hard time walking around the town?
(a) Because it is raining.
(b) Because Tarwater made him mad.
(c) Because of Bishop.
(d) Because he limps.

10. What does Lucette wear?
(a) A black jacket.
(b) A cape and a skirt.
(c) A long white dress.
(d) A man's jacket and tie.

11. What is the first thing Tarwater says to the schoolteacher?
(a) That Mason is dead.
(b) That he needs to see Bishop.
(c) That he needs money.
(d) That God sent him there.

12. According to the schoolteacher, what is the only thing Bishop can do?
(a) Frown.
(b) Stare.
(c) Smile.
(d) Hide.

13. When Rayber tells Tarwater that now he has a father, how does Tarwater respond?
(a) Tarwater says he already has a father.
(b) Tarwater ignores Rayber.
(c) Tarwater says he didn't ask for a father.
(d) Tarwater says he is glad.

14. Who buries Mason Tarwater?
(a) Francis Marion.
(b) The schoolteacher.
(c) Buford Munson.
(d) Bernice Bishop.

15. What window does Tarwater stop in front of to look in?
(a) The toystore.
(b) The bakery.
(c) The cleaners.
(d) The petstore.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Tarwater say he went to the church?

2. Who steals Tarwater from his crib?

3. Who says they won't get used to Tarwater?

4. What does Mason want at the head of his grave?

5. What does Tarwater do to the shack the night Mason dies?

(see the answer keys)

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