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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. The daughter within the poem entitled "Mama and Daughter" is on her way to see whom?
2. From whose point of view is the poem "Late Last Night" told?
3. What word is spelled out at the end of the poem entitled "Dream Boogie"?
4. What word is used to describe the "eyes" (116) of terror in the poem entitled "Mississippi"?
5. About which religious figure is the poem entitled "Encounter"?
Short Essay Questions
1. In the poem that begins with three different interjections to do with "sorrow" and "pity" and "pain" (115), what type of eyes is terror said to have?
2. In what way is repetition utilized within the poem entitled "Song for Billie Holiday"?
3. Discuss the appearance of the theme of redemption within the poem entitled "Life is Fine."
4. To whom is the poem entitled "Late Last Night" addressed?
5. In what way is the theme of isolation depicted within the poem entitled "Kid in the Park"?
6. Describe Hughes's use of character foils within the poem entitled "Mama and Daughter."
7. What state is being described within the poem that contains as its first three lines the words, "Oh, what sorrow!/Oh, what pity!/Oh, what pain" (115)?
8. In what way could the poem "To Artina" be said to display a feminist message?
9. In what way does the poem entitled Madam and the Census Man" display the theme of pride in identity?
10. Characterize the two speakers within the poem entitled "Question and Answer."
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Analyze Hughes's focus on the theme of brutality in the collection entitled Vintage Hughes. What message is Hughes sending about change and about one other theme of your choice?
Essay Topic 2
Determine Hughes’s message regarding the idea that racism acts as a barrier to understanding, to people's physical and emotional well-being, and to opportunity.
Essay Topic 3
Explicate the theme of hope within the collection Vintage Hughes. What is Hughes’s message regarding hope and how do you know?
This section contains 1,145 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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