Vintage Hughes Test | Final Test - Easy

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Vintage Hughes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What musician is NOT alluded to within the poem entitled "Projection"?
(a) Dizzy Gillespie.
(b) Billie Holiday.
(c) Jackie Mabley.
(d) Sammy Davis.

2. The poem entitled "Africa" describes the continent as constituting what type of giant?
(a) Menacing.
(b) Pleasant.
(c) Shrinking.
(d) Sleepy.

3. What is the final verb used in the poem entitled "Question and Answer," when the optimistic speaker within the poem says his final piece?
(a) Rejuvenate.
(b) Remake.
(c) Revive.
(d) Sublimate.

4. The speaker of the poem "Juke Box Love Song" states that he will "make a crown" (95) using what materials?
(a) Saxophone notes.
(b) Boogie woogie beats.
(c) Neon lights.
(d) Thistles.

5. The speaker of the poem entitled "To Artina" does NOT say that he will take what object from Artina?
(a) Her lips.
(b) Her soul.
(c) Her heart.
(d) Her money.

6. The speaker of the poem "Juke Box Love Song" is addressing a woman who, according to him, is NOT what?
(a) From Harlem.
(b) Sweet.
(c) Brown.
(d) Joyful.

7. From whose point of view is the poem "Late Last Night" told?
(a) From the point of view of God.
(b) From the jilted male lover's point of view.
(c) From the jilted female lover's point of view.
(d) From an omniscient narrator's point of view.

8. The poem entitled "To Be Somebody" has a final stanza suggests that "There's always room" (92) in what location?
(a) In Heaven.
(b) At the top.
(c) At the bottom.
(d) In Hell.

9. The speaker in the poem entitled "Life is Fine" takes the elevator up how many floors while he is considering suicide?
(a) 24.
(b) 11.
(c) 16.
(d) 6.

10. What two objects does the personification of war use within the poem entitled "War"?
(a) A broom and a mop.
(b) A pen and a tablet.
(c) A mirror and a torch.
(d) A fork and a knife.

11. The speaker of the poem "Final Curve" declares that "When you turn the corner and run into" (91) what, then you know you have run out of corners to turn?
(a) The face of Jesus.
(b) Yesterday.
(c) Yourself.
(d) The grim reaper.

12. The speaker of the poem entitled "Junior Addict" pleads with the sunrise to come quickly out of what location?
(a) Zimbabwe.
(b) Kenya.
(c) Africa.
(d) South Africa.

13. What name does the census man within the poem "Madam and the Census Man" want to put down in place of the woman's middle initial?
(a) Em.
(b) Kay.
(c) Ell.
(d) En.

14. The speaker of the poem entitled "Advice" says that "dying is" (97) what?
(a) Hard.
(b) Slow.
(c) Mean.
(d) Inevitable.

15. How much money does the speaker of the poem "Midnight Raffle" invest in the raffle?
(a) 5 cents.
(b) 10 cents.
(c) $1.
(d) 25 cents.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the final line of the short poem entitled "Dream Dust"?

2. What element is said to be useless to "one who will not live" (132) within the poem "Junior Addict"?

3. What types of figures are NOT included as allusions within the poem entitled "Final Call"?

4. The poem "Late Last Night" depicts the subject as he sits in what location while he cries over his lost love?

5. How many poems within the collection Vintage Hughes include stage directions regarding a particular element of the poem's performance?

(see the answer keys)

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