Vintage Hughes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Vintage Hughes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Island [2]" - "Un-American Investigators".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name does the census man within the poem "Madam and the Census Man" want to put down in place of the woman's middle initial?
(a) Ell.
(b) En.
(c) Kay.
(d) Em.

2. What element is said to be useless to "one who will not live" (132) within the poem "Junior Addict"?
(a) Water.
(b) Beauty.
(c) Sunshine.
(d) Rain.

3. For what reason does the speaker of the poem "Madam and the Rent Man" refuse to pay rent?
(a) The house is in disrepair.
(b) The landlord has forgiven her rent for the month.
(c) She has already paid rent for the month.
(d) Her husband has already paid the rent for the month.

4. What is the second business that the speaker of the poem "Madam's Past History" had tried to run?
(a) A barbecue stand.
(b) A bookstore.
(c) A barber shop.
(d) A bar.

5. What is the middle initial of the woman at the center of the poem "Madam and the Census Man"?
(a) K.
(b) N.
(c) L.
(d) M.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the main metaphor running through the narrative of the poem "Mother to Son"?

2. The speaker of the poem entitled "Advice" says that "dying is" (97) what?

3. What phrase is repeated three times in the poem entitled "In Time of Silver Rain"?

4. What word is used to describe the boy in the first line of the poem entitled "Junior Addict"?

5. The speaker of the poem entitled "The South" says that the South smells of what scent?

(see the answer key)

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