Vintage Hughes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Vintage Hughes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through “Dream Dust” - “Same in Blues”.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. An allusion to which famous person is NOT included within the poem entitled "Scottsboro"?
(a) Joan of Arc.
(b) Nat Turner.
(c) Lenin.
(d) Abraham Lincoln.

2. What word is spelled out at the end of the poem entitled "Dream Boogie"?
(a) Mama.
(b) Yeah.
(c) Geez.
(d) Zoot.

3. The poem "America" focuses on which two marginalized groups?
(a) African-Americans and Mexican-Americans.
(b) African-Americans and women.
(c) African-Americans and Jewish-Americans.
(d) African-Americans and gay people.

4. In the poem entitled "Words Like Freedom," what other word in the poem is italicized, besides the word "freedom" (67)?
(a) Solvency.
(b) Pride.
(c) Liberty.
(d) Justice.

5. What is the final line of the short poem entitled "Dream Dust"?
(a) Up for grabs.
(b) Not on your life.
(c) Not for sale.
(d) Freedom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the middle initial of the speaker in the poem "Madam's Past History"?

2. Into how many pieces is the subject of the poem's heart broken in the poem entitled "Late Last Night"?

3. The poem entitled "To Be Somebody" has a final stanza suggests that "There's always room" (92) in what location?

4. In what setting does the beginning of the poem "Life is Fine" take place?

5. The "bitter river" (50) in the poem of the same name is said to "reflect no" (50) what?

(see the answer key)

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