Vintage Hughes Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Vintage Hughes Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Cora Unashamed" - "The Blues I'm Playing".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main metaphor running through the narrative of the poem "Mother to Son"?
(a) Sunshine.
(b) Stairs.
(c) Telephones.
(d) Clouds.

2. What type of literary device is used throughout the poem entitled "Joy"?
(a) Onomatopeia.
(b) Allusion.
(c) Personification.
(d) Metaphor.

3. What event occurred to stop the speaker of the poem "Madam's Past History" from running her first business?
(a) World War II.
(b) World War I.
(c) The Depression.
(d) Prohibition.

4. The speaker of the poem "Preference" says that he "likes a woman" (95) how many years older than himself?
(a) 8 or 10.
(b) 12 or 14.
(c) 6 or 10.
(d) 6, 8, or 10.

5. The woman within the poem "Madam and the Census Man" tells the census man not to write down what title on the census form?
(a) Mrs.
(b) Miss.
(c) Mr.
(d) Mssr.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what object were the two boys hung to whom the poem "The Bitter River" is dedicated?

2. What is the main theme depicted within the poem entitled "Question and Answer"?

3. The daughter within the poem entitled "Mama and Daughter" is on her way to see whom?

4. What two adjectives are part of the poem titled using two words prior to the title's final word, "freedom" (67)?

5. The poem entitled "Cross" focuses on the experience of what type of person?

(see the answer key)

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