Vintage Hughes Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Vintage Hughes Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Cora Unashamed" - "The Blues I'm Playing".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two objects does the personification of war use within the poem entitled "War"?
(a) A fork and a knife.
(b) A mirror and a torch.
(c) A pen and a tablet.
(d) A broom and a mop.

2. The poem entitled "Africa" describes the continent as constituting what type of giant?
(a) Sleepy.
(b) Pleasant.
(c) Menacing.
(d) Shrinking.

3. The speaker of the poem "Negro" states that he has been a singer "all the way from Africa" (5) to where?
(a) Tennessee.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Alabama.
(d) Timbuktu.

4. Who pays for a new horse when Cora's father's horse dies?
(a) Pa.
(b) Cora.
(c) Ma.
(d) Mrs. Art Studevant.

5. What two adjectives are part of the poem titled using two words prior to the title's final word, "freedom" (67)?
(a) Long laboring.
(b) Little old.
(c) Mighty sad.
(d) Words like.

Short Answer Questions

1. The poem with a title that includes the words "The Raid" (33) also includes what date?

2. What is the name of the fortune teller's lover in the poem entitled "Ballad of the Fortune Teller"?

3. What type of literary device is consistently featured throughout the poem entitled "Georgia Dusk"?

4. On what side does the speaker of "Midnight Raffle" say his bread is buttered by the end of the poem?

5. What type of technique or device is used in the poem entitled "Comment on War"?

(see the answer key)

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