Vintage Hughes Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Vintage Hughes Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Island [2]" - "Un-American Investigators".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What adjective is used to describe the place to which the Ku Klux Klan members take the speaker of the poem entitled "Ku Klux"?
(a) Bereft.
(b) Dark.
(c) Crowded.
(d) Lonesome.

2. The speaker of the poem entitled "Advice" says that "dying is" (97) what?
(a) Hard.
(b) Inevitable.
(c) Mean.
(d) Slow.

3. What is the final word included in the poem entitled "Un-American Investigators"?
(a) Manure.
(b) Shit.
(c) Rubbish.
(d) Fertilizer.

4. The poem entitled "Freedom's Plow" repeats several times that it is better to die free than to what?
(a) Lie incessantly.
(b) Live as a slave.
(c) Live in the South.
(d) Be thrown into jail.

5. The poem in the collection that focuses on Frederick Douglass has a title listing what years?
(a) 1817-1895.
(b) 1901-1972.
(c) 1834-1876,
(d) 1895-1965.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the poem entitled "Prime," how much is a nickel repeatedly said to cost?

2. The poem entitled "Heaven" puts forth the proposition that heaven is the place where what emotion is "everywhere" (48)?

3. From what type of building would a black Jesus be turned away, according to the speaker of the poem entitled "Bible Belt"?

4. From what object were the two boys hung to whom the poem "The Bitter River" is dedicated?

5. What type of business had the speaker of the poem "Madam's Past History" run for a while before moving on to a different business?

(see the answer key)

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