The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry Test | Final Test - Easy

J. D. Mcclatchy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry Test | Final Test - Easy

J. D. Mcclatchy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Michael Harper wrote a poem dedicated to which famous musician?
(a) Holliday.
(b) Coltrane.
(c) Miller.
(d) Armstrong.

2. In what year did Charles Simic bring his family to the US?
(a) 1961.
(b) 1953.
(c) 1957.
(d) 1949.

3. Which of the following was not one of the jobs held by Gary Snyder?
(a) Seaman.
(b) Logger.
(c) Forester.
(d) Ditch digger.

4. The poem "Planetarium" was written in honor of which astronomer?
(a) Herschel.
(b) Simon.
(c) Galileo.
(d) Copernicus.

5. Which of the following words is not used to describe Wright's work?
(a) Surreal.
(b) Nostalgic.
(c) Mundane.
(d) Rhetorical.

6. C.K. Williams worked as which of the following?
(a) Therapist.
(b) Pharmacist.
(c) Landscaper.
(d) Arborist.

7. Heather McHugh studied under which famous poet?
(a) Theodore Roethke.
(b) Allen Ginsberg.
(c) Robert Lowell.
(d) Walt Whitman.

8. In Sharon Olds' "The Glass," she writes about her father who is dying from a tumor in which part of his body?
(a) Throat.
(b) Lungs.
(c) Brain.
(d) Stomach.

9. Mark Strand was born in which country?
(a) England.
(b) Brazil.
(c) Mexico.
(d) Canada.

10. Which poet wrote "Another Life?"
(a) Harper.
(b) Bidart.
(c) Simic.
(d) Pinsky.

11. Gary Snyder referred to himself as having very ____ values.
(a) Archaic.
(b) Liberal.
(c) Simple.
(d) Visionary.

12. Which poet wrote "The Old Cosmologists?"
(a) Gluck.
(b) Ryan.
(c) Palmer.
(d) McPherson.

13. Mark Strand was name as the _____ Poet Laureate.
(a) 3rd.
(b) 4th.
(c) 6th.
(d) 5th.

14. Who wrote the poem titled, "Onions?"
(a) Olds.
(b) Matthews.
(c) Smith.
(d) Hacker.

15. Michael Harper was greatly influenced by which type of music?
(a) Country.
(b) Swing.
(c) Jazz.
(d) Asian.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following was not a job held by Amy Clampitt?

2. Rita Dove's work often blends history with which type of poetry?

3. In which year did Anne Sexton win the Pulitzer Prize?

4. Mary Oliver is considered to be one of the best ____ poets.

5. Sylvia Plath wrote a poem in honor of God's lioness _____.

(see the answer keys)

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