Vineland Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Vineland Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the most recent check Frenesi gets from the government program?
(a) It is refused by the bank.
(b) It is NSF.
(c) She is told payment has been stopped on it.
(d) It is taken back.

2. What is the acronym for the camp founded by Brock?
(a) PREP.
(b) PROP.
(c) USRC.
(d) BEST.

3. What happens to her file as a result?
(a) It is published.
(b) It is transferred.
(c) It is deleted.
(d) It is returned to her.

4. Who tells Frenesi that their last government check is no good.
(a) A supermarket clerk.
(b) A US Marshall.
(c) Brock Vond.
(d) A bank teller.

5. What does Prairie want to do most of all?
(a) Find Frenesi.
(b) Leave town.
(c) Get some food.
(d) Go home.

6. What kind of band is Isaiah in?
(a) Rock band.
(b) Country and western band.
(c) Forty's and fifties big band.
(d) Punk band.

7. How does Zoyd work his way to the island to confront Frenesi?
(a) As an entertainer on a cruise line.
(b) As a flight attendant.
(c) As a musician on an independent airline.
(d) As a server on a cruise line.

8. Where does Frenesi go when her marriage to Zoyd is in trouble?
(a) Bahamas.
(b) Greece.
(c) Jamaica.
(d) Hawaii.

9. How does Prairie recognize DL?
(a) From photos hidden in her father's drawer.
(b) From photos her grandmother showed her.
(c) From photos shown to her by Hector.
(d) From photos her father showed her.

10. What does Zoyd usually do?
(a) Vandalize a car.
(b) Jump through a window.
(c) Disrupt a courtroom.
(d) Break down a door.

11. What kind of group enters the bowling alley as Zoyd and Hector are finishing lunch?
(a) A group of religious fanatics.
(b) A bowling league.
(c) A group of bikers.
(d) A paramilitary group.

12. What kind of organization do they run?
(a) A fanatical religious conversion co-op.
(b) An asylum for people addicted to television.
(c) A Harley Davison club.
(d) A premium bowling organization.

13. What is Zoyd told by the card's owner?
(a) That it is his all access pass to Hawaii.
(b) That it will open doors for him in many places.
(c) That he will remember if Zoyd is ever in trouble and will help.
(d) That it will get him into any night club without cover.

14. What is the disguised name they go in with?
(a) Gino Baglione and the Paisans.
(b) The Two Fours.
(c) The Italian Stallions.
(d) The Bootstrap Paisans.

15. What is on the business card Zoyd is given?
(a) Tamimota Famishita, Adjustments.
(b) Takeshi Fumimota, Adjustments.
(c) Fakeresi Tumorota, Adjustments.
(d) Fakeshita Tumimota, Adjustments.

Short Answer Questions

1. What budget does he reveal has been cut?

2. What does Zoyd collect from a family in the hills?

3. What does Zoyd loan his neighbor, Elvissa?

4. What happens to Zoyd's car?

5. Roughly how many witnesses have been cut off the program?

(see the answer keys)

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