The View from Saturday Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The View from Saturday Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Julian say the people in the pubs do with the boxes on the bars?
(a) They drop coins in them.
(b) They take coins out of them.
(c) They pick notes out of them.
(d) They put notes in them.

2. What does Mrs. Olinski tell the principal one must risk when defending her way of choosing her team?
(a) Making a fool of oneself.
(b) Hurting peoples' feelings.
(c) Doing what's unpopular.
(d) Making people angry.

3. What does the narrator say the trophy was?
(a) A true treasure.
(b) A friendship cup.
(c) A loving cup.
(d) A unity cup.

4. What does Bella Dubinsky's T-shirt design for The Souls feature?
(a) A ghost.
(b) A noose.
(c) A penny.
(d) A picture of Sillington House.

5. What does Mr. Singh say is now missing?
(a) A reason to see each other.
(b) Future victories.
(c) All the time for training.
(d) The bond that ties the friends together.

Short Answer Questions

1. How can Mrs. Diamonstein tell Ethan has grown when she sees him?

2. What does Mrs. Olinski say Julian makes each mile a journey of?

3. How does Julian react when the commissioner tells him he can't find a reference for "tip"?

4. Where does the author mentioned in the follow-up question teach?

5. What does the commissioner do after Maxwell's response to the match-point question before moving on?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what The Souls do after their win to show their support and unity with Mrs. Olinski.

2. What answer does Mr. Singh give Mrs. Olinski for how she chose her team?

3. In chapter 5, the reader finds out how Mrs. Olinski chose each of the members of her Academic Bowl team. Explain how she did it.

4. Explain the exchange that happens between the commissioner and Julian about the disagreement about the word "tip," why it is important and how the other Souls feel about it.

5. Describe how Mrs. Olinski uses real life to prepare practice questions for The Souls and give an example.

6. Explain Julian's answer to the question about acronyms that have entered the language as words.

7. Describe how Mrs. Olinski feels about Julian in the first part of chapter 5.

8. How do Dr. Rohmer's instructions to Dr. Fairbain backfire on him in the end?

9. What difficulty does the commissioner of education have with the match-point question, and what does he do to help prevent any problems?

10. Describe the brief conversation that Mr. Singh and Mrs. Olinski have just before The Souls begin to practice in chapter 8.

(see the answer keys)

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