The View from Saturday Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The View from Saturday Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Ethan ring in after the question about the places in New York State is asked?
(a) Last of all the contestants.
(b) After a brief moment to think.
(c) At the sound of the last syllable.
(d) Before the commissioner is finished asking the question.

2. What does Mrs. Olinski do in order to find out about Ethan?
(a) She talks to his friends.
(b) She watchs him closely.
(c) She calls his parents.
(d) She asks to talk to him privately.

3. What is the name of the monkey that accompanies Julian and his family aboard the ship?
(a) Sapphire.
(b) Pearl.
(c) Emerald.
(d) Ruby.

4. According to the narrator, sixth grade is the place where kids...
(a) ...can figure out how to manipulate their teachers.
(b) ...stop caring about school.
(c) ...can get into big, dangerous fights.
(d) ...can get inside the print to the meaning.

5. What was the audience at the Bowl warned not to do?
(a) Boo the opposing team.
(b) Give away the answers.
(c) Whistle, cheer or applaud.
(d) Distract the teams.

6. What is the "bombshell" Allen drops after going to the show with Nadia and Ethan?
(a) He wants to get married again.
(b) He wants to get licensed to move turtle nests.
(c) He has a new girlfriend.
(d) He wants to move to New York.

7. Why doesn't Margy ever carry turtles to the water?
(a) The turtles need to walk across their native sand.
(b) She thinks it's too much work.
(c) She doesn't like the feeling of their shells in her hands.
(d) She thinks that they need to make it on their own or die if they're not strong enough.

8. What color is Nadia's hair?
(a) Red.
(b) Auburn.
(c) Brown.
(d) Black.

9. What does the narrator compare Nadia to when first introducing her in chapter 2?
(a) Oatmeal.
(b) Waffles with strawberries.
(c) Pancakes with syrup.
(d) Cinnamon toast.

10. What is the name of the place where Noah's grandparents live?
(a) Beachside Village.
(b) Century Village.
(c) Floral Gardens.
(d) Century Park.

11. What does Nadia say her bubbe would have made when she goes back to her grandpa's apartment to have Oreos?
(a) Homemade challah.
(b) Homemade teiglach.
(c) Homemade ruggelach.
(d) Homemade ingberlach.

12. What show does Allen take Nadia and Ethan to see?
(a) West Side Story.
(b) The Phantom of the Opera.
(c) Cats.
(d) The Lion King.

13. What does Julian do to get his friends to help him save Ginger?
(a) He tells them Nadia is in danger.
(b) He tells them Ginger is in danger.
(c) He passes them a secret note.
(d) He passes them a Year-of-the-Souls penny.

14. Whom does Mrs. Olinski tell when she decides that Ethan should be part of the Academic Bowl team?
(a) Ethan.
(b) The district superintendent.
(c) No one.
(d) Mrs. Draper.

15. What does Julian say his mother was?
(a) A chanteuse.
(b) Retired.
(c) A musician.
(d) Pakistani.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the girls from the Maxwell team display?

2. What did Mr. Singh do for a living before buying the Sillington place?

3. What does Allen break that prevents him from being the best man at the wedding?

4. Why does the commissioner admonish the audience not to applaud after Ethan's answer?

5. What is the topic of the workshop Dr. Rohmer completed?

(see the answer keys)

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