Vesper Flights Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Helen Macdonald
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Vesper Flights Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Helen Macdonald
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Cherry Stones to What Animals Taught Me.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Luit Buurma begin making radar observations in the Netherlands for flight safety purposes?
(a) 1980.
(b) 1978.
(c) 1979.
(d) 1981.

2. What was a chaffinch nest made from that the author collected in "Nests"?
(a) Threads, hair, and feathers.
(b) Horsehair, moss, lichen, and pigeon feathers.
(c) Straw, soft twigs, and clay.
(d) Leaves, straw, and grass clippings.

3. When were the Cabinet of Curiosities a craze in Europe?
(a) 14th century.
(b) 15th century.
(c) 17th centry.
(d) 16th century.

4. How high were herring gulls flying in "Ants"?
(a) Rooftop height.
(b) 200 feet.
(c) 300 feet.
(d) Rooftop and 100s of feet.

5. In "High-Rise," what month was Macdonald in Manhattan?
(a) June.
(b) July.
(c) May.
(d) August.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Nestboxes," what 19th-century-naturalist installed sand martin nest pipes and other avian households at his Yorkshire estate?

2. How old was a cygnet caught in "Swan Upping"?

3. When was Florence Merriam's Birds Through an Opera-Glass published?

4. In "Deer in the Headlights," when were the ancestors of the herd the author observed brought to the estate?

5. During the expedition where the author joined Cabrol, how many hours a night was Cabrol sleeping?

(see the answer key)

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