Velvet Song Test | Final Test - Medium

Jude Deveraux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Velvet Song Test | Final Test - Medium

Jude Deveraux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Gavin go to talk to Miles?
(a) France.
(b) Portugal.
(c) Scotland.
(d) Ireland.

2. Who accompanies Raine and Alyx to the fair?
(a) A maid.
(b) Gavin.
(c) Raine's men.
(d) Judith.

3. Why does the king begin to cry while meeting with Alyx?
(a) She reminds him of his daughter.
(b) He has never seen a more beautiful woman.
(c) He is moved by her voice.
(d) She reminds him of his wife.

4. How does Raine react to this acceptance of the challenge?
(a) Angry.
(b) Scared.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Confused.

5. How long does it take Raine to recover from Brian's attack on him?
(a) Ten days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) One week.
(d) Four days.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Alyx went to the king, how did it make Raine feel?

2. How do the outlaws feel when Alyx leaves the camp?

3. Who arrives at the camp to accept Raine's challenge?

4. What tragedy occurs at the school that Alyx opens?

5. While at the fair, what do Raine and Alyx buy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Alyx discover after leaving the camp, and what is her reaction this news?

2. Why does Brian Chatworth come to the outlaw's camp?

3. What sort of reception does Alyx receive when she returns to the camp?

4. What does Alyx notice in the moments before her execution?

5. What does the King demand that the Montgomerys do?

6. What does Gavin and Judith ask Alyx to do to bring Raine back home for good?

7. What happens in November, and how does it affect Alyx?

8. Is the end of the novel a happy ending?

9. Who pulls Alyx out of the crowd at the fair and why does he do this?

10. Why does the king agree to pardon Raine?

(see the answer keys)

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