Velvet Song Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jude Deveraux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Velvet Song Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jude Deveraux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two: Chapter: 16-17 (pg 214-240).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alyx not like about the large group of people at the fair?
(a) Alyx doesn't like that they are so low class.
(b) Alyx doesn't like their shifty eyes.
(c) Alyx doesn't like to be closed in by them.
(d) Alyx doesn't like their smell.

2. How does Raine react when Alyx tries to touch his hair?
(a) Raine pinches her cheeks.
(b) Raine jumps back as if he has been burned.
(c) Raine yells at her.
(d) Raine throws her across the room.

3. Why does Alyx refuse to meet Blanche's demand after horse riding?
(a) Alyx dislikes the tone that Blanche uses.
(b) Alyx is too tired to do any more work.
(c) Alyx has too many other things to attend to.
(d) Alyx considers Blanche to be a lower class than she.

4. What do Raine and Alyx have to make plans to do after Alyx is accused by the mob?
(a) Hide.
(b) Pacify the mob.
(c) Leave the camp.
(d) Fight the mob.

5. What does Blanche demand from Alyx upon her return from horse riding?
(a) To clean the dishes for supper.
(b) To tidy Raine's room.
(c) To clean the horses.
(d) Water to be brought from the lake.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Roger Chatworth tell Alyx he is when they first meet?

2. Who does Alyx defend in front of Roger at the fair?

3. How does Alyx react when Raine complains about her singing in Chapter 5?

4. What does Roger wish to find out from Alyx at the fair?

5. Why do Raine's men prevent Alyx from following Raine from the fair?

(see the answer key)

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