The Vampire Lestat Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Vampire Lestat Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the stranger in the tavern do to Marius?
(a) Gives him a road map.
(b) Makes him pay the bar tab.
(c) Invites him to his home.
(d) Knocks him unconscious.

2. What does Lestat finally realize about what has happened in San Francisco?
(a) That he had gone too far.
(b) That Enkil is trying to kill him.
(c) That Akasha is with him.
(d) That Marius is dead.

3. What is the name of the stranger from the tavern?
(a) Gaul.
(b) Liam.
(c) Lucifer.
(d) Mael.

4. What is the turnout for Lestat's concert?
(a) It is sold out.
(b) Marius comes and scares everyone away.
(c) Only a few vampires show up.
(d) People are firghtened and stay away.

5. What does Lestat do when he returns from Paris to New Orleans?
(a) Sends out messages for Marius.
(b) Starts to terrorize the city.
(c) Burns all his books.
(d) Hides more and more away from mortals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Lestat done in coming to New Orleans that is a first for vampires?

2. Using mental telepathy, what does the female give to Lestat?

3. Seriously wounded, where does Lestat go to regain his strength?

4. What happens during the night at Marius' rented house?

5. What is happening in Paris while Lestat and Gabrielle are traveling?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Gabrielle behave from the very beginning of the journey she goes on with Lestat?

2. What occurs in Lestat as his body becomes emaciated from lack of drinking blood?

3. What help does Marius receive in becoming the guardian of Those Who Must Be Kept?

4. Having returned in 1984, what is Lestat about to do that has other vampires up in arms?

5. what are the two major topics of interest to Lestat as he reads mail from Paris?

6. When Lestat cannot locate Marius and Gabrielle takes off for deep Africa, how does the reader see Lestat's depression?

7. As the vampires threatening Lestat begin to burst into flames, how is the question of what caused that resolved?

8. What is the symbolic meaning of the loud booming sound of the heart of Marius?

9. What is so frightening to Lestat about Those Who Must Be Kept?

10. What special privilege is given Marius as he prepares to remove the ancient vampires?

(see the answer keys)

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