The Vampire Lestat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Vampire Lestat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Lestat and Gabrielle remain inside the cathedral?
(a) So the vampires outside cannot get to them.
(b) To pray for rescue.
(c) So they can rest for a while.
(d) To look at the statues.

2. For whom does Lestat purchase gifts?
(a) The people at the theater.
(b) The poor people of Paris.
(c) Nicolas and his brothers.
(d) His father and Nicolas' father.

3. What is it that makes Lestat uneasy watching Gabrielle?
(a) When she changes her clothes.
(b) When she climbs a wall.
(c) When she makes a mistake.
(d) When she makes a kill.

4. Where does Lestat run into Armand again?
(a) At a mortals' ball.
(b) At the tower.
(c) At Renaud's theater.
(d) At Les Innocents.

5. How is Lestat alerted to the rising sun?
(a) His eyes begin to burn.
(b) He hears the church bells.
(c) He hears the birds begin to sing.
(d) His skin begins to crawl.

6. What talent does Nicolas have that makes Lestat carried away with emotion?
(a) Singing.
(b) Writing poetry.
(c) Acting.
(d) Playing the violin.

7. What does Lestat show Gabrielle the next night after she becomes a vampire?
(a) The way to light the tower.
(b) The jewels and treasure in the tower.
(c) How to levitate.
(d) Where to escape the tower.

8. How do Lestat and Gabrielle escape the room where she was dying?
(a) They hide in a closet.
(b) They sneak out a window.
(c) They go out a back door.
(d) They hide under the bed.

9. What does Gabrielle hear as she and Lestat move through the night?
(a) Voices of other vampires.
(b) Bells ringing in hell.
(c) Voices of the dead.
(d) Laughter in the pubs.

10. What happens to cause Gabrielle to go into hysterics?
(a) Her hair she had cut off is grown back.
(b) Lestat goes to walk with mortals.
(c) Her other sons show up at the tower.
(d) Faces of vampires appear in the window.

11. What is Gabrielle's condition at the beginning of the story?
(a) She is planning to run away.
(b) She is a vampire.
(c) She is dying.
(d) She is pregnant.

12. What does Armand agree not to do?
(a) See his old coven members.
(b) Leave Lestat and Gabrielle.
(c) Harm Nicki.
(d) Go to the theater.

13. What does Lestat find laid out for him in the tower?
(a) A black cape and a tuxedo.
(b) Some of Nicolas' fine garments.
(c) His red cloak and a set of fine clothes.
(d) A blue velvet suit with a ruffled shirt.

14. What does Lestat want to do with Nicki?
(a) Send him abroad where he will be safe.
(b) Teach him how to live with a vampire.
(c) Make him a vampire.
(d) Send him to Russia to study music.

15. What does the older female vampire tell Armand?
(a) That she had predicted vampires would live among mortals.
(b) That he is still living in the 16th century.
(c) That she can see Lestat is too powerful to kill.
(d) That he is a fool to think he knows everything.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Armand take Lestat and Gabrielle?

2. How does Lestat recognize it was a mistake to change Nicki?

3. Where do Lestat and Armand go after the ball?

4. What is Lestat's family situation just before the French Revolution?

5. What does Nicki do when he senses the presence of Lestat?

(see the answer keys)

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