Up from Slavery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up from Slavery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Booker goes to the smoking car of a train after dining with two women, what happens?
(a) He is asked to leave.
(b) He is greeted politely and left alone.
(c) Everyone in the smoking car walks out.
(d) Everyone greets him and talks to him about his work.

2. How does a mill owner help the Tuskegee Institute?
(a) Providing lumber for a large central building.
(b) Building new desks for the students.
(c) Making a very large monetary donation.
(d) Offering apprenticeships to several of the students.

3. What does Booker's third wife do at Tuskegee?
(a) She is a teacher and musician.
(b) She is a teacher and lady principal.
(c) She is head cook.
(d) She is director of the girls' dormitory.

4. Why does Booker sell his own watch to raise fifteen dollars?
(a) To cover a portion of a student's tuition.
(b) To treat his students to lunch.
(c) To help fund his students' brick-building efforts.
(d) To pay for patching up the school roof.

5. Who is Washington's third wife?
(a) Elizabeth Stanton Smith.
(b) Martha Jones Jackson.
(c) JoEllen Agnes Baker.
(d) Margaret James Murray.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Washington travel with Armstrong throughout larger Northern cities?

2. How does Robert Bedford become involved with Tuskegee Institute?

3. When asking for funds for his school from the wealthy, Booker notes that it's best to:

4. Booker points out that those who can't offer his Tuskegee school monetary donations instead offer:

5. When Booker is asked how his school can succeed with him gone so much, what does he reply?

Short Essay Questions

1. When he's not working, what does Booker enjoy doing?

2. Booker demands cleanliness from his students. What one item does he insist everyone have?

3. What are some of the things that Booker says about his personal experience with public speaking?

4. During his speech to a large audience at the Atlanta Exposition, what does Booker focus on?

5. What does Booker say about approaching the very wealthy for support for his school?

6. Why does Booker feel it was worth his time to travel two thousand miles just to deliver a five-minute speech?

7. Explain why Washington says he feels responsible for the success of Tuskegee Institute.

8. Why do Booker and his students launch an effort to make bricks?

9. Who is Rev. Robert C. Bedford?

10. How is Booker's speech at the Atlanta Exposition received?

(see the answer keys)

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