Up from Slavery Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up from Slavery Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Booker purchase to help his students learn more about working with their hands?
(a) The remains of a plantation.
(b) A dilapidated barn.
(c) A defunct restaurant.
(d) An acre of forest land.

2. When he arrives at the school he's overseeing in Tuskegee, what does Booker find?
(a) A large facility with very few students.
(b) No accommodations and plenty of anxious students.
(c) The wrong textbooks have been ordered.
(d) There is a severe shortage of teachers.

3. What is a typical week for farming families in Tuskegee?
(a) Working six days a week, going to town and meetings Sundays.
(b) Working five days a week, going to town Saturdays, attending meetings Sundays.
(c) Working five days a week, attending meetings Saturdays, going to church and resting Sundays.
(d) Working six days a week, going to church and picnics Sundays.

4. When Booker is hired as a waiter at a classy restaurant, who chastises him, and why?
(a) The cook, for getting the order wrong.
(b) The proprietor, for dropping a tray.
(c) The host, for getting in the way of other waiters.
(d) The men he's waiting on, for doing a poor job.

5. When the author writes about the condition of the school he oversees in Tuskegee, what does he say about an umbrella?
(a) When Booker's umbrella tears in a violent storm, there are no funds available for a replacement, so he patches it up.
(b) On rainy days, a student holds an umbrella over Booker's head because the classroom leaks.
(c) On "Teacher Appreciation Day," the students collect just enough money to buy Booker a gift of an umbrella.
(d) There is only one umbrella available to the class, and students take turns using it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Among the unnecessary excesses that he describes for the families of Tuskegee living in poverty, what does Booker include?

2. After completing his studies and returning to Malden, Booker is hired to work as a teacher. His workdays start at 8:00 AM and don't end until what time?

3. The author states that those earning seventy-five or a hundred dollars a month were:

4. When Booker travels with a young Indian boy who is ill, how are they treated by outsiders?

5. When Booker first starts school, why is he not able to attend full time?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who works closely with Booker to establish the new school in Tuskegee?

2. Describe Booker's experiences as a young man working at restaurants.

3. Describe Booker's early childhood family and home.

4. What important lesson does Booker learn working with Miss Mackie, whom he describes as a member of a cultured Northern family?

5. How does Booker T. Washington end up overseeing a new school in Tuskegee, Alabama?

6. How do blacks react upon being read the Emancipation Proclamation?

7. What does Booker do at the end of his first year at Hampton?

8. Describe Booker's experience of traveling with an Indian boy who is ill.

9. Explain why Booker feels that many students come out of school with an education but without the ability to make a living.

10. What does Booker mean when he says that the people of Tuskegee are prone to some excess?

(see the answer keys)

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