Up from Slavery Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up from Slavery Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Booker prepares to speak at the expo in 1895, he feels the weight of responsibility because his audience consists of:
(a) Politicians and other influential policy makers.
(b) Fellow educators.
(c) Wealthy potential donors.
(d) Northerners, Southerners, blacks, and whites.

2. What does Booker feel should determine the right to vote?
(a) Age alone.
(b) The ability to read.
(c) An eligibility test for both races.
(d) Being born in the U.S.

3. What are the names of Booker's two sons?
(a) Booker and Ernest.
(b) Lewis and Edison.
(c) Elias and Jacob.
(d) Jonathan and Edward.

4. Worrying over his students, Booker often loses:
(a) His appetite.
(b) Weight.
(c) Money.
(d) Sleep.

5. Booker's trip to Europe is his first vacation in how many years?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Seven.
(d) Twenty-two.

6. Before giving his speech at the 1895 expo, Booker does what?
(a) Reads.
(b) Meets with his mentor.
(c) Prays.
(d) Walks to clear his mind.

7. As Washington's speaking engagements increase, he becomes aware that he carries a great burden because:
(a) The ears of the entire world are listening.
(b) Many whites are waiting for him to misspeak.
(c) His school's success depends on his fundraising ability.
(d) He represents all teachers across the nation.

8. How do the Tuskegee students treat Booker T. Washington?
(a) As a fellow friend and colleague.
(b) With contempt because they feel he's too demanding.
(c) With reservation, afraid to approach the school's director.
(d) With respect, helping him in many ways including carrying his books.

9. Who is Robert C. Bedford?
(a) The director of a nearby white elementary school.
(b) The director of a nearby black elementary school.
(c) A white pastor at a black church.
(d) A black pastor at a white church.

10. Who becomes Tuskegee Institute's treasurer and substitute principal?
(a) Warren Logan.
(b) George Campbell.
(c) Lewis Adams.
(d) Jonathan Armstrong.

11. Because he's disappointed by how the people of Tuskegee regard Christmas, what does Booker introduce at his school?
(a) Ethics education.
(b) Bible teachings.
(c) History of Christianity.
(d) Lessons from major world religions.

12. What does Booker say about the way that Southerners treat him?
(a) They treat him poorly.
(b) They never insult him.
(c) They are indifferent to him.
(d) They treat him like royalty.

13. Teachers at Tuskegee are largely recruited from where?
(a) Hampton.
(b) Princeton.
(c) Howard.
(d) Harvard.

14. What does Booker receive following his Atlanta Exposition speech?
(a) An invitation to dinner.
(b) A threatening letter.
(c) An outpouring of approval.
(d) A basket of flowers.

15. What happens when Booker and his students try to construct a kiln for baking bricks?
(a) It works perfectly the first time.
(b) They fail once, and then get experts to construct the kiln.
(c) They fail in their first four attempts.
(d) Two students are seriously injured.

Short Answer Questions

1. After traveling two thousand miles to give his five-minute speech, what does Booker do?

2. When Miss Davidson travels to ask for financial support for the Tuskegee Institute, she meets two Northern ladies who agree to donate:

3. When Booker is asked how his school can succeed with him gone so much, what does he reply?

4. Booker remarks that too many people use the Christmas season as:

5. Booker is invited to serve on what kind of board?

(see the answer keys)

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