Up at the Villa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up at the Villa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mary explain the sound Nina heard?
(a) A car passing the villa.
(b) She does not offer any ideas.
(c) A hunter.
(d) An animal in the crawl space.

2. What does Karl tell Mary and she says she does not feel the same way?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Karl tells Mary he wants to gain revenge against the Germans.
(c) Karl says his time in bed with her was the best experience he has ever had.
(d) Karl tells Mary he loves her.

3. What does Mary realize about the gun?
(a) That Ciro would know that it had been fired.
(b) That it could be traced to her.
(c) That it probably has Karl's fingerprints on the grip.
(d) That it may have her fingerprints on the grip.

4. From what country is Karl?
(a) Poland.
(b) France.
(c) Austria.
(d) Germany.

5. How does Rowley get to Mary's villa?
(a) Walking.
(b) Train.
(c) Bicycle.
(d) Cab.

6. Why does Mary call Rowley for help?
(a) She thinks he'd be discreet.
(b) He's in the same motel as Edgar and she knows that number.q
(c) She thinks he is smart.
(d) She is afraid of the police.

7. Who awakens Mary the next day after Karl's death?
(a) Rowley.
(b) Nina.
(c) Edgar.
(d) She wakes on her own.

8. What does Mary do at the end of the chapter?
(a) Takes a sleeping pill and falls off to sleep.
(b) Has a big breakfast that Nina cooks.
(c) Calls her lawyer.
(d) Writes Edgar.

9. What does Mary say about Karl when asked?
(a) That he was handsome.
(b) That he seemed sad.
(c) That he seemed odd.
(d) That he wasn't a good musician.

10. What does Mary remember as they are down the road a bit?
(a) Edgar is supposed to be there for breakfast.
(b) She is supposed to have breakfast with friends that morning.
(c) Karl had laid his wallet on her dresser.
(d) The bloody towel is still in the car.

11. Why does Mary decide she will tell Edgar the truth about her and Karl?
(a) To enter marriage with a clear conscience.
(b) To seek Edgar's advice.
(c) To get out of the marriage proposal.
(d) She is not going to tell Edgar the truth.

12. Why does Rowley wish they had left the gun with Karl?
(a) To make it look more like a suicide.
(b) To eliminate the risk of police finding it later.
(c) So Rowley wouldn't have to worry about it later.
(d) So it could not be traced to Mary.

13. Why is there little blood to contend with?
(a) It all leaked out on the bathroom floor which Mary mopped up while waiting for Rowley.
(b) There is lots of blood everywhere.
(c) Karl shot himself in the perfect spot that causes little blood.
(d) Most of it has seeped inside of him.

14. What does Mary say that further angers Karl?
(a) She says she would never marry a penniless man.
(b) She says she went to bed with him on a dare from a friend.
(c) She offers him money.
(d) She says the sex was terrible.

15. Who is Mary expecting shortly after receiving the telegram?
(a) Lord Seafair.
(b) The Princess.
(c) Rowley.
(d) Edgar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Karl imply that Mary is?

2. What is rumored about Karl?

3. What does Karl do when Mary pulls out her gun?

4. What frightens Mary?

5. Who sends the telegram?

(see the answer keys)

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