Up at the Villa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up at the Villa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what did Mary and Matthew fight?
(a) His drinking.
(b) Money.
(c) His long absences.
(d) Nothing much.

2. What does Edgar want Mary to carry with her to Florence?
(a) A bottle of vintage wine for the Princess.
(b) A gun for protection.
(c) A bottle of vintage win for an old friend.
(d) A note for the Princess.

3. Why is Rowley Flint invited to the party?
(a) As a balance to the Princess's husband's taciturn nature.
(b) To even out the attendance after Edgar gave his regrets.
(c) As a possible suitor for Mary.
(d) Because he just arrived in Florence and is a childhood friend of the Princess.

4. What did Mary's mother point out to Mary when Mary was 19?
(a) That Edgar was too old for Mary and to stop flirting.
(b) That Edgar is in love with her.
(c) That Edgar would be an advantageous catch.
(d) That Edgar is a scoundrel.

5. Of what is Colonel Trail very complimentary?
(a) Mary's deceased husband.
(b) The Princess's gown.
(c) Mary's deceased father.
(d) Edgar's recent appointment.

6. What does Mary do with a hundred lira note?
(a) Leaves it in the ladies' room for the washerwoman.
(b) Tip the valet.
(c) Ask Rowley to get her a cab as she is too tipsy to drive.
(d) Tip the violinist.

7. Who is Princess San Ferdinanado?
(a) Mary's childhood friend.
(b) A woman who holds grand parties to which Mary has never been invited.
(c) The Princess of Tuscany who is a recent widow.
(d) A woman who is hostessing a party that evening.

8. What does Mary decide to give Karl as a gift?
(a) A possible job with her father.
(b) A sexual encounter.
(c) An old violin that has been in her family.
(d) Money to pay his rent.

9. About what do Mary and Rowley speak at length?
(a) Rowley's new business venture in Tuscany.
(b) Mary's father's architectural designs.
(c) Mary and Edgar and Mary's situation.
(d) Rowley's home in the United States.

10. What does Mary say she would give Rowley if she could?
(a) An introduction to her sister.
(b) A unique gift.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A suitable wife.

11. What does Mary extol?
(a) Her father's virtues.
(b) Matthew's final days.
(c) Her father's architectural abilities.
(d) Edgar's virtues.

12. Who is Ciro?
(a) The neighbor.
(b) Mary's manservant.
(c) Mary's gardener.
(d) Edgar's driver.

13. What ashamed Mary about Matthew?
(a) The way he treated the servants.
(b) His desire to cross dress.
(c) His drunken rages.
(d) The way he eyed other women.

14. Why does Rowley propose to Mary?
(a) He has loved her from afar for several years.
(b) He is a little drunk.
(c) He needs a wife.
(d) He feels tender towards her.

15. What does Rowley say to Mary?
(a) He suggests she stay in Florence for the night since it's so late.
(b) He knew Mary's deceased husband quite well.
(c) He is offended by her English snobbery.
(d) He compliments her on her good looks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mary drive around the area?

2. How does Mary describe how Matthew was at first?

3. What does Mary wish she had done?

4. What does Mary make Karl?

5. Why does Mary have second thoughts about attending the party?

(see the answer keys)

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