Up at the Villa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up at the Villa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has Mary known Edgar?
(a) Two years.
(b) Since she was a youth.
(c) Since she was an infant.
(d) She hasn't met him yet.

2. Why is Mary Panton at the villa?
(a) To meet with her husband who has been conducting business nearby.
(b) To visit her sister and her husband who rent the villa.
(c) For recuperation from emotional trauma.
(d) To oversee its remodeling.

3. What does Karl point out to Mary as they are driving to her villa?
(a) A shabby house where he lives.
(b) The full moon.
(c) The lights of Cannes.
(d) The lights of Florence.

4. Who owns the villa?
(a) The Leonards.
(b) Edgar Swift.
(c) Lord Seafair.
(d) Mary Panton.

5. What does Mary ask Rowley to hand her from her purse?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A pen and paper.
(c) A handkerchief.
(d) A gas card.

6. How does Mary describe how Matthew was at first?
(a) Charming and fun.
(b) Quiet and studious.
(c) Zestful and overly-boisterous.
(d) Polite and reserved.

7. What does Mary wish she had done?
(a) Stayed home so she did not have to be cheerful.
(b) Stayed home to think about marriage.
(c) Stayed home and packed to go to her mother.
(d) Called her sister and canceled the visit.

8. Why does Mary have second thoughts about attending the party?
(a) Her mother wants her to come to Rome right away.
(b) Her sister arrives the next day and the house needs cleaning.
(c) Edgar is not there to escort her.
(d) She knows no one at the party.

9. What does the Princess ask of Mary?
(a) To give Rowley a ride to his motel.
(b) To show Mary her paintings sometime.
(c) To stay at her house that night rather than risk the long drive home.
(d) To visit her the next day.

10. What does Mary do on the way home?
(a) Decides to disappear.
(b) Stop to enjoy the view.
(c) Decides she will accept Edgar's proposal.
(d) Cries.

11. Why couldn't Mary end the marriage?
(a) She was embarrassed.
(b) She was paid by Matthew's parents to stay.
(c) Matthew was so dependent on her.
(d) She thought he would change eventually.

12. Why is Rowley Flint invited to the party?
(a) As a balance to the Princess's husband's taciturn nature.
(b) Because he just arrived in Florence and is a childhood friend of the Princess.
(c) As a possible suitor for Mary.
(d) To even out the attendance after Edgar gave his regrets.

13. What does Rowley find in her purse?
(a) A suicide note.
(b) A picture of Matthew.
(c) The gun.
(d) A blackmail note.

14. What city can Mary see from the terrace of the villa?
(a) Venice.
(b) Florence.
(c) Rome.
(d) Naples.

15. Why does Mary think the tip she leaves will mean a great deal?
(a) She does not really think about it.
(b) The person will not expect it.
(c) She noticed how shabby the person's shoes are.
(d) It is done in generosity rather than condescension.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Princess San Ferdinanado?

2. What does Mary extol?

3. What does Rowley believe about Mary as far as Edgar is concerned?

4. What does Mary learn from her lawyer?

5. What happens as the party is about to end?

(see the answer keys)

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