Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Brett upset about in English class?
(a) An assignment to work in class.
(b) An assignment on Civil Disobedience.
(c) An assignment to memorize some poetry.
(d) That Julie speaks to another boy.

2. Why does Uncle Haskell call Julie down from upstairs one evening?
(a) To sing a song he's been trying to remember.
(b) To finish the dishes she had left in the sink.
(c) To help him bury some more bottles.
(d) To help him with Katy who he finds wandering in the woods.

3. Why does Haskell eventually refuse to come to Jonathan's home?
(a) He thinks Jonathan is abusing Katy.
(b) He thinks Katy is doing this for his attention.
(c) He can no longer watch Katy in this condition.
(d) He believes Katy will let go and die if he isn't there to give her hope.

4. What convinces Julie to stay at Aunt Cordelia's?
(a) She doesn't like to be a built-in babysitter.
(b) She and Alicia have a fight about the office.
(c) She and her dad seem like strangers.
(d) She walks in on Alicia and her father in an amorous embrace.

5. About what is Julie wondering?
(a) About whether she will go to boarding school.
(b) About what will happen to her pony.
(c) About how Aunt Cordelia will manage the housework without her.
(d) About her move back home.

6. What does Julie assume Aunt Cordelia feels?
(a) Sadness about Jonathan.
(b) Happy that she will soon no longer be burdened with raising Julie.
(c) Excitement about having Julie for the summer months at least.
(d) Sadness at the prospect of Julie leaving.

7. How accurate are Carlotta's predictions about the boys?
(a) Completely inaccurate as Julie has more suitors than any other girl.
(b) Julie has one or two suitors every semester, so she's wasn't completely accurate.
(c) Amazingly accurate for the first two years of Julie's high school.
(d) Carlotta made no predictions.

8. Who picks up Julie on her way home from school?
(a) Uncle Haskell.
(b) Chris.
(c) Brett.
(d) Danny.

9. About whom are rumors being said?
(a) Brett and Aimlee.
(b) Carolota and Brandon.
(c) Brett and Carlotta.
(d) Carlota and Jimmy.

10. How long is it before Julie feels happy again after the breakup with Brett?
(a) Two months.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Five or six months.
(d) Two days.

11. What does Jonathan do on many evenings?
(a) Goes to talk to the priest about his wife.
(b) Seeks out the comfort of Aunt Cordelia's big house as a retreat from the stress of his own life.
(c) Works late to avoid his wife.
(d) Has a few drinks with Haskell.

12. What does Julie tell Brett?
(a) About the other girls being jealous.
(b) About her talk with Alicia.
(c) About her aunt's disapproval.
(d) That she is going to live with her sister.

13. What does Haskell do for Katy's funeral instead of attending the service?
(a) Reads poetry in the words.
(b) Gets drunk.
(c) Plays two songs over and over on the piano.
(d) Stays in bed.

14. Where is one of Julie's stories published?
(a) In a university magazine.
(b) In the New Yorker.
(c) In Reader's Digest.
(d) In Life.

15. What does Katy seem to find soothing?
(a) The calm demeanor of Uncle Haskell.
(b) Her husband's voice telling her everything is alright.
(c) Going to the church and praying for hours a day.
(d) Julie has not met Katy again since the first dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the little school where Cordelia teaches being closed?

2. Why is the driver irritated with Julie?

3. Why does Jonathan sometimes call Haskell to his home?

4. What is Haskell doing for Cordelia?

5. How can those around her tell Julie is feeling better?

(see the answer keys)

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