Unwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What skill does Risa have that impresses the counselor?
(a) She is a good dishwasher.
(b) She can give injections.
(c) She plays piano.
(d) She is a logical thinker.

2. What does Connor think of the Admiral's jet?
(a) It is cool and he wishes he had one too.
(b) It is nicer than the thought it would be.
(c) It is gaudy and tacky.
(d) It isn't as nice as he thought it would be.

3. What does Dalton tell Risa about the sight of the Unwinds walking down the "red carpet"?
(a) He tells her to be happy she is saved.
(b) He tells her to ignore them.
(c) He tells her she will get used to it.
(d) He tells her he is planning to save them.

4. How long does it take for a person to be Unwound?
(a) Thirty minutes.
(b) Sixty minutes.
(c) Three hours.
(d) Two hours.

5. How are tithes and "terribles" treated at the camp?
(a) Differently than the others.
(b) Like they are to be feared.
(c) Like they are heros.
(d) The same as the others.

6. Who is on the plane when it arrives with new Unwinds?
(a) CyFi.
(b) Lev.
(c) Tyler.
(d) Didi.

7. Why does Connor become angry with Risa?
(a) She works long hours and has no time for him.
(b) She is planning to run away.
(c) She is dating Roland.
(d) She accepts good and supplies from Roland.

8. How long will the Unwinds be in the Graveyard?
(a) For the rest of their lives.
(b) For one year until they move to a new location.
(c) Until they are able to pay for their freedom.
(d) Until they are 18 or find a sponsor.

9. What does Connor think when he sees Risa playing piano?
(a) He wishes he could be on the roof too.
(b) He is upset that she is being treated differently.
(c) He misses her and wishes he could see her again.
(d) He admires her talent.

10. What does Risa wish when she sees Roland?
(a) That they had been crated together.
(b) That he had died in the crate.
(c) That Connor was there to kill him.
(d) That she had suffocated in the crate.

11. How many days until Lev will be unwound?
(a) Thirteen.
(b) Sixteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Twenty.

12. How do Lev, Mai and Blaine stop Connor's unwinding?
(a) They shoot a guard.
(b) They stage a protest.
(c) They intercept Connor on his way to the "chop shop."
(d) They blow up the "chop shop."

13. What is the name of the camp where Risa and Connor are sent?
(a) Arizona Haven Harvest Camp.
(b) Estes Canyon Harvest Camp.
(c) Happy Acers Harvest Camp.
(d) Happy Jack Harvest Camp.

14. What plan does Roland try to get Connor involved in?
(a) A plot to steal an airplane.
(b) A revolt against the Admiral.
(c) Hijacking a bus.
(d) A kidnapping.

15. How does Risa characterize the "new" Lev?
(a) As religious.
(b) As dismissive.
(c) As cold and hard.
(d) As friendly and trusting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Harlan?

2. How is Risa treated by the counselor who interviews her?

3. What does Lev want the police to tell Tyler?

4. Why does Emby think that Unwinding is useful?

5. How is Connor treated differently than Roland and Risa when they arrive at the camp?

(see the answer keys)

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