Unto a Good Land a Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unto a Good Land a Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has now proposed to Ulrika?
(a) Samuel Nojd.
(b) Lars Nyberg.
(c) John Johanssen.
(d) Sven Andersson.

2. Kristina learns that Ulrika is to marry ______________________.
(a) Walter H. Abbott.
(b) Charles Meyers.
(c) Philip J. Bowdoin.
(d) Thomas Sanderson.

3. Because of the shock of the intruders in #109, Kristina goes into labor ___________ weeks early.
(a) two.
(b) four.
(c) three.
(d) five.

4. What is Ulrika going to do as soon as the weather is warm enough?
(a) Pick wild strawberries.
(b) Get baptized.
(c) Take a trip to California.
(d) Plant a flower garden.

5. What did Karl bring with him from Sweden which he realizes now will be very helpful?
(a) Maps.
(b) Elderberry bushes.
(c) Fishing supplies.
(d) Seed corn.

6. Who does Karl tell Kristina that the letter is from?
(a) Karl's father.
(b) He does not know.
(c) Robert.
(d) Kristina's mother.

7. When it snows, Karl makes a rope of ________________ to tie between the house and the shed.
(a) linden bark.
(b) twine.
(c) horsehair.
(d) grapevines.

8. Who sent the letter that Karl is now able to get at the post office?
(a) Kristina's parents.
(b) His parents.
(c) Robert.
(d) Kristina's godmother.

9. Which food has Danjel offered to share with Karl and Kristina's family?
(a) Beets.
(b) Potatoes.
(c) Carrots.
(d) Turnips.

10. What is the profession of the man in #172?
(a) Postmaster and Storekeeper.
(b) Postmaster and Blacksmith.
(c) Postmaster and Hotel Owner.
(d) Banker and Blacksmith.

11. Which of the following does Karl NOT focus on when writing a letter to his parents?
(a) Good soil.
(b) A lake.
(c) Their new home.
(d) Indians.

12. How does Kristina cook the family's meals?
(a) A fire pit in the shanty.
(b) They eat only cold meals.
(c) The fireplace.
(d) On an open fire outside.

13. Why does Kristina wish she had a cat?
(a) She does not like cats.
(b) For company.
(c) To remind her of home.
(d) To chase away the rats.

14. What does the agitated Robert tell Karl when he returns home?
(a) He shot an Indian.
(b) He is moving away.
(c) He shot an elk.
(d) He is injured.

15. What does Swedish Anna bring for Harald when she visits?
(a) A ball.
(b) A coat.
(c) Candy.
(d) A puppet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the Indian in the tree?

2. What are the settlers waiting for in Chapter 23?

3. What does Karl cut and stack to use at a later time?

4. How many windows does Karl buy for the house he is building for his family?

5. What impediment does Robert suffer from?

(see the answer keys)

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