Unstoppable Us Test | Final Test - Medium

Yuval Noah Harari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unstoppable Us Test | Final Test - Medium

Yuval Noah Harari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long would it take a Stone Age person to walk from one end of their "home" to the other?
(a) About a week.
(b) A minute.
(c) 5 seconds.
(d) Half an hour.

2. What is the word for someone who believes that animals can talk?
(a) Theist.
(b) Deist.
(c) Spiritualist.
(d) Animist.

3. What was found in the gravesite at Sunghir?
(a) Mammoth-ivory beads and fox teeth.
(b) The horn of a rhino.
(c) Bison-horn beads and wolf teeth.
(d) 34,000-year-old bread.

4. Who explored Altamira Cave?
(a) A farmer who had gotten lost.
(b) Maurice McDonald.
(c) Two college students.
(d) Marcelino and his daughter Maria.

5. Where did Stone Age bands tend to llive?
(a) By the river, where there would often be fish.
(b) Next to the mountain, where they could shelter in caves.
(c) Wherever there was food at that time of year.
(d) Near the forest, where they could find fuel for fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why would Stone Age people not often hunt something like a mammoth or bison?

2. Who might a gatherer blame if somebody got sick?

3. What did people in a band likely do together?

4. Where is Ohalo?

5. What is known about the objects Stone Age people owned?

Short Essay Questions

1. 20,000 years ago, what would a gatherer do in an average day?

2. Why is it a common mistake to think that Stone Age people lived in caves?

3. What did archaeologists find in the Ohalo garbage dump?

4. Why do modern humans not know of any specific historical events during the Stone Age?

5. What method did Stone Age people likely use to paint their handprints on a cave wall?

6. What is one theory about the Lascaux Cave painting of the human and the bison?

7. What is the Venus of Willendorf, and what can be learned from it?

8. Why were gatherers mostly safe from disease?

9. Why were accidents more dangerous during the Stone Age?

10. Why did the Nayaka refuse to help capture an elephant that had killed one of them?

(see the answer keys)

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