Unsheltered Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unsheltered Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who among Iano's siblings is said to run a salmon-fishing charter in Alaska?
(a) Artemisia.
(b) Darcie.
(c) Antigone.
(d) Aurelia.

2. To whom has Willis Chester become engaged in Chapter 14?
(a) Mary.
(b) Polly.
(c) Aurelia.
(d) Selma.

3. Who is the pediatrician that sees Dusty for his checkup in Chapter 11?
(a) Dr. Waterson.
(b) Dr. Kimble.
(c) Dr. Weasel.
(d) Dr. Patel.

4. What is the name of the architect specialist who comes to assess Willa's home in Chapter 15?
(a) Mr. Kimble.
(b) Mr. Petrofaccio.
(c) Mr. Priestley.
(d) Mr. Peakesbury.

5. Iano compares himself to what, in regards to his position within his career at the college in Chapter 13?
(a) A barnacle.
(b) A sinking ship.
(c) A rising star.
(d) A ship mast.

6. Who has shot Carruth in Chapter 14?
(a) Pardon Crandall.
(b) Samuel Wilbeforce.
(c) Mr. Cutler.
(d) Captain Landis.

7. Willa compares listening to the news radio stations to listening to whom reporting on the alien invasion in Chapter 13?
(a) James Day.
(b) Orson Welles.
(c) William Watson.
(d) Roger Wilson.

8. In the conclusion of Chapter 16, the author references the title of the novel in stating, "Without shelter, we stand in" what (426)?
(a) "Daylight."
(b) "Purity."
(c) "Danger."
(d) "Truth."

9. Where does Willis Chester say he has taken a job in Chapter 14?
(a) Wilson Bakery.
(b) Smith's Dairy.
(c) Landis's Auto Shop.
(d) Keeley Bakery.

10. In what month does Chapter 15 begin?
(a) March.
(b) January.
(c) June.
(d) April.

11. What state's presidential primary election is the focus of the news broadcasts in Chapter 13?
(a) North Dakota's.
(b) Utah's.
(c) Texas's.
(d) New Hampshire's.

12. To whom does Thatcher say his neighbor (Mary Treat) compares Captain Landis in Chapter 10?
(a) King Henry VIII.
(b) Charles Darwin.
(c) Phineas Barnum.
(d) President Grant.

13. How many children does Uri Carruth have?
(a) 5.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

14. How old is Dusty said to be in the opening of Chapter 11?
(a) 5 months old.
(b) 2 months old.
(c) 7 months old.
(d) 9 months old.

15. In Chapter 18, the narrator opens, "Of all seasons in the Pine Barrens, summer was" what (455)?
(a) "The most dreadful."
(b) "The muckiest."
(c) "Consummate."
(d) "Breathtaking."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the caretaker who comes to tend to Nick three times a week?

2. What is the third principle that Thatcher presents in his debate with Cutler in Chapter 12?

3. Whose reaction to Darwin's theories does Cutler present from the Quarterly Review in the debate in Chapter 12?

4. What is the first principle that Thatcher presents in his debate with Cutler in Chapter 12?

5. What does "Lex loci" translate to in English, as shown in Chapter 10 (258)?

(see the answer keys)

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