Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Test | Final Test - Easy

Deborah Feldman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Test | Final Test - Easy

Deborah Feldman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the distinctive curls Satmar men wear on either side of their heads called?
(a) Mickwavhs.
(b) Rikos.
(c) Payos.
(d) Mikos.

2. What kinds of clothes do Feldman's family buy for her while the matchmaker is actively looking for a match for her?
(a) Swimsuits.
(b) Elegant, expensive clothes.
(c) Very short skirts.
(d) Very loose-fitting clothes.

3. Who always says Feldman has excellent taste?
(a) Zeidy.
(b) Chaya.
(c) Rachel.
(d) Bubby.

4. What does the sex therapist tell Feldman is her difficulty?
(a) Psychosis.
(b) Flebitis.
(c) Vaginismus.
(d) Dermatitis.

5. What is the ritual bath designed to cleanse women after their menstruation?
(a) Hokvah.
(b) Mikvah.
(c) Rokvah.
(d) Rikva.

6. What is the Yiddish word for a bride-to-be?
(a) Mikvah.
(b) Kallah.
(c) Chassan.
(d) Rikin.

7. What branch of the Satmar community is Eli from?
(a) Leib.
(b) Zollie.
(c) Aroiny.
(d) Trevi.

8. What is the Yiddish word for the marriage contract?
(a) B'show.
(b) T'noyim.
(c) B'naith.
(d) R'noyin.

9. What does "niddah" translate as?
(a) Held close.
(b) Found safely.
(c) Wronged.
(d) Kicked aside.

10. What is the Yiddish greeting of congratulations?
(a) Mazel Tov.
(b) Pruim.
(c) Yom Kippur.
(d) Shana Punims.

11. What tendency of Bubby's did Feldman inherit?
(a) Superstition.
(b) Pessimism.
(c) Open-heartedness.
(d) Optimism.

12. What is the test to see if a woman is clean enough for her husband after having her period in the Satmar tradition?
(a) She must be feeling completely well with no cramps.
(b) She must have been secluded in a dark room for 3 days.
(c) She must not have touched another woman's skin for 5 days.
(d) She must have 14 clean cloths passed over her vagina after her period.

13. What does Feldman's friend Golda tell her has happened on her own wedding night?
(a) Her husband ruptured her colon.
(b) Her mother died.
(c) Her husband left her.
(d) Her father-in-law died.

14. How does Feldman feel about hers and Eli's sexual problems as time goes on?
(a) She feels that she may be attracted to women.
(b) She feels at first that they might be her fault.
(c) She feels that Eli has a lover who is not her.
(d) She feels that she is attracted to Eli but he is not attracted to her.

15. What does the word mekor mean?
(a) The tree, in relation to the tree of life.
(b) The fight, as in fighting for independence.
(c) The source, in relation to a woman's womb.
(d) The gift, as in the gift of marriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Eli tell Feldman he always wanted a son?

2. What ailment does Feldman have at her engagement party?

3. Who teaches Feldman how to drive?

4. Why does Feldman not want her mother at her wedding?

5. Who does Eli blame his temporary desertion of Feldman on?

(see the answer keys)

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