Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Baden's criticism against the doctors who saw Tinning's nine dead children?
(a) That they didn't show enough sympathy.
(b) That they were inefficient.
(c) That they didn't want to suspect murder.
(d) That they could have saved the children.

2. What was Baden's listed cause of death for Daphne Mellon?
(a) Gunshot wound.
(b) Drug overdose.
(c) Strangulation.
(d) Blunt force trauma.

3. What did Travis do when Dr. Brown caught him inside the house?
(a) He stabbed her in the neck.
(b) He choked her.
(c) He shot her in the neck.
(d) He punched her in the neck.

4. What does Baden theorize actually introduced meningitis into Jennifer?
(a) A coat hanger as Tinning tried to hasten birth.
(b) A drug needle as Tinning shot it into her stomach.
(c) A rape.
(d) An attempted abortion.

5. Why did the urine in Belushi's bladder help police?
(a) There was not enough to indicate he had slipped into a coma.
(b) The amount showed he had slipped into a coma.
(c) There was none, indicating he had gotten up to urinate.
(d) There was none, indicating he had urinated himself.

6. What happened to Sunny von Bulow the third time she was hospitalized?
(a) She went into a coma.
(b) She died.
(c) She was diagnosed with cancer.
(d) She was saved, and went home.

7. How does cocaine kill people?
(a) Through nasal passage explosion.
(b) Through stroke.
(c) Through heart arrhythmia.
(d) Through suffocation.

8. What was the first indicator that the Tinning children did not die from bad genes?
(a) One child was shot.
(b) One child was found starved to death.
(c) One child was adopted.
(d) One child had severe bruising.

9. What does Baden claim about the "cardiorespiratory arrest" cause of death issued for Joseph?
(a) It assumes murder.
(b) It is a wastebasket diagnosis.
(c) It is an accurate diagnosis.
(d) It assumes no unnatural cause.

10. How was Smith killed by Kuklinski?
(a) Cyanide and stabbing.
(b) Cyanide and strangulation.
(c) Cyanide and blunt force trauma to the head.
(d) Cyanide and gunshot.

11. How did the ME know Masgay had been frozen?
(a) There was frostbite on the toes.
(b) His eyeballs had burst.
(c) He found ice crystals in the tissue.
(d) His nose was still frozen.

12. What did Robert Travis and Larry Peters set out to do at Dr. Brown's property on the night she died?
(a) Steal gas.
(b) Burn the house down.
(c) Steal her antiques.
(d) Steal a car.

13. On investigation, what did the Claus defense team find about Dr. Worthington?
(a) He was a lover of Claus.
(b) He was a lover of Sunny.
(c) He was the murderer.
(d) He had not completed college.

14. How did Jerald Sklar claim Catherine Fried had killed her husband?
(a) By strangling him with a telephone cord.
(b) By stabbing him.
(c) By poisoning him.
(d) By sitting on a pillow over his face.

15. What do drowning victims have in common with heroin overdose cases?
(a) Both have fluid in the lungs.
(b) Both have foam in the airway.
(c) Both have enlarged brains.
(d) Both have enlarged veins.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the prisoners do to William Quinn?

2. What activity does Baden claim plays havoc on teen suicide rates?

3. For what was Michael Privitiera killed?

4. What did the trooper's weapons fire?

5. Who was the abuser in the relationship between Catherine and Paul?

(see the answer keys)

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