Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Baden's first homicide case?
(a) A hit and run.
(b) A man who kills his wife's lover.
(c) A shoot out in a hotel.
(d) A woman who poisons her husband.

2. What did Dan Reidy ask Wilbur Howard to do before he died?
(a) Put a confession in a lock box.
(b) Ask for forgiveness.
(c) Confess to police.
(d) Bury his wife.

3. In Chapter Two, what actually caused the death of the man being autopsied in fear of small pox?
(a) Measles.
(b) Mumps.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Chicken pox.

4. What happened to the property of a suicide victim during this time?
(a) It was given to the natives.
(b) It was given to the family.
(c) It was given to the poor.
(d) It was given to the Crown.

5. Baden's patient at the end of Chapter Two suffers from what?
(a) An infection of the brain.
(b) An infection of the heart valve.
(c) An infection of the toe.
(d) An infection of the blood.

6. How do the police catch Thomas Trantino?
(a) He is captured at work.
(b) He is captured at home.
(c) He is killed.
(d) He surrenders.

7. Why does Baden finally choose to follow forensic medicine?
(a) He believes the field helps individuals.
(b) He enjoys being out of the limelight.
(c) He enjoys the money.
(d) He believes the field helps the masses.

8. How did Furue claim he matched the bones to the missing person list?
(a) By examining the bones to determine ethnicity.
(b) By examining the bones to determine height, weight, and age.
(c) By finding scarring to match old Xrays.
(d) By locating implants.

9. What do the police claim Frank Falco used to pretend he had a gun?
(a) A Coke bottle.
(b) His finger.
(c) A Pepsi bottle.
(d) A wooden gun.

10. Where did Humes place the gunshot wound to the head erroneously?
(a) Four inches to the left of the actual wound.
(b) Four inches too high.
(c) Four inches to the right of the actual wound.
(d) Four inches too low.

11. In what year is the office of the Coroner first described?
(a) 1194.
(b) 1587.
(c) 1768.
(d) 1934.

12. What do some list as a reason to believe Marilyn Monroe was murdered?
(a) There were no barbiturates in her stomach.
(b) She didn't leave a note.
(c) She told someone she was being followed.
(d) There was blood at the scene.

13. What drug does Baden note is invisible on the autopsy table?
(a) Tranquilizers.
(b) Cyanide.
(c) Strychnine.
(d) Arsenic.

14. What piece of evidence was crucial to the case in 1910?
(a) The scar on the arm.
(b) The scar on the torso.
(c) The scar on the pelvis.
(d) The scar on the scalp.

15. Who were Baden's Nobel prize winning mentors?
(a) Andre Cournand and Nick Cave.
(b) Dickinson Richards and Andre Cournand.
(c) Dickinson Richards and Nick Cave.
(d) Andre Richards and Dickinson Cournand.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Baden note is the desire of the DAs office in terms of the ME?

2. What does the group find has happened to Kennedy's brain?

3. The baby Baden is called to investigate immediately following the death of the lady at the benefit died from what?

4. What group was set up in 1977 to help explain the Kennedy assassination?

5. What does Baden point out is a misconception about drugs and alcohol?

(see the answer keys)

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