Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Baden note about the FBI photographer at the scene of the autopsy?
(a) He did not have clearance.
(b) His camera was insufficient for the job.
(c) He was overqualified.
(d) He had never done autopsy photos.

2. What is Baden's rebuttal to Morgenthau's accusation that he had misplaced evidence?
(a) He says he did not lose evidence.
(b) He says his office did lose evidence, but that it was stolen by an unknown person.
(c) He says his office did lose evidence, but that Morgenthau stole it.
(d) He admits he did lose evidence.

3. What fact does Baden point to that makes him believe Miriam Weinfeld was not raped?
(a) She was an older victim.
(b) There was no blood in her vagina.
(c) Her hymen was intact.
(d) There was acid phosphatase in the vagina.

4. What are characteristics of an alcoholic's liver?
(a) It is white with red spots.
(b) It is much smaller than normal.
(c) It looks like a thick calf's liver.
(d) It is yellow with a fatty consistency.

5. What does Baden believe is the true cause of Thomas Noguchi's move to a teaching position?
(a) He stole from the office.
(b) He did work for other counties.
(c) He leaked that alcoholism was the cause of death for Frank Sinatra.
(d) He leaked that alcoholism was the cause of death for William Holden.

6. Why does Baden believe Levine was convicted at all costs?
(a) The DA wanted a conviction to spare the family.
(b) The DA wanted a conviction to serve justice.
(c) Morgenthau's office had previously lost evidence, which allowed him to be set free.
(d) The ME wanted a raise.

7. What did William Hare and William Burke do to obtain bodies to sell?
(a) Murder people.
(b) Steal bodies from hospitals.
(c) Find bodies during war.
(d) Steal bodies from mortuaries.

8. How did Furue claim he matched the bones to the missing person list?
(a) By locating implants.
(b) By finding scarring to match old Xrays.
(c) By examining the bones to determine height, weight, and age.
(d) By examining the bones to determine ethnicity.

9. What did Humes originally claim had happened to the bullet that went into Kennedy's back?
(a) It exited through the arm.
(b) It fell back out the entrance wound.
(c) It exited through the stomach.
(d) It was lodged in the body.

10. The baby Baden is called to investigate immediately following the death of the lady at the benefit died from what?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) Neglect.
(c) Abuse.
(d) Small pox.

11. What disease does Humes purposefully leave out of the notes of the autopsy?
(a) Polio.
(b) Leukemia.
(c) Addison's disease.
(d) Prostate cancer.

12. Who was the first victim on which autopsy was performed in a murder investigation?
(a) Francis Carpenter.
(b) Janet Robinson.
(c) George Harlington.
(d) Samuell Yeoungman.

13. What was missing from the body of the bishop on Flight 66?
(a) His left leg.
(b) A ring and a belt.
(c) A ring, cross, and gold wristwatch.
(d) His right arm.

14. What are symptoms of ricin poisoning?
(a) Heart palpitations, weakness, and numbing.
(b) Abdominal pain, cramps, and dehydration.
(c) Sweating, sore joints, and headache.
(d) Sore throat, cough, and sneezing.

15. If the primary method of identification is not available, what is the second type used?
(a) Dental records.
(b) ID Tags.
(c) Family identification.
(d) Bone scans.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year is the office of the Coroner first described?

2. What is Baden's first homicide case?

3. What happens to Baden's patient following his release from the hospital at the end of Chapter Two?

4. What does Baden note is the desire of the DAs office in terms of the ME?

5. What does Baden note in Chapter Two always fascinated him?

(see the answer keys)

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