Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are symptoms of ricin poisoning?
(a) Abdominal pain, cramps, and dehydration.
(b) Sore throat, cough, and sneezing.
(c) Heart palpitations, weakness, and numbing.
(d) Sweating, sore joints, and headache.

2. Who was the first medical examiner of New York City?
(a) Dr. Charles Norris.
(b) Tammany Hall.
(c) Henry Wilcox.
(d) John Mitchel.

3. What piece of evidence was crucial to the case in 1910?
(a) The scar on the pelvis.
(b) The scar on the scalp.
(c) The scar on the arm.
(d) The scar on the torso.

4. What does the group find has happened to Kennedy's brain?
(a) It has rotted away.
(b) It has been eaten by rodents.
(c) It has disappeared from the archives.
(d) It has been donated to science.

5. Who were Baden's Nobel prize winning mentors?
(a) Dickinson Richards and Andre Cournand.
(b) Dickinson Richards and Nick Cave.
(c) Andre Richards and Dickinson Cournand.
(d) Andre Cournand and Nick Cave.

6. What does a cause of death of 'psychosis with exhaustion' really mean, according to Baden?
(a) That the victim was killed while being subdued after acting out.
(b) That the victim was killed by his own actions.
(c) That the victim was murdered by police for no reason.
(d) That the victim died from exhaustion.

7. What does Baden note about the symmetry of the human body?
(a) It is symmetrical.
(b) It is always bigger on the right.
(c) It is always bigger on the left.
(d) It is asymmetrical.

8. In Chapter Two, what actually caused the death of the man being autopsied in fear of small pox?
(a) Mumps.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Measles.
(d) Chicken pox.

9. What do some list as a reason to believe Marilyn Monroe was murdered?
(a) There was blood at the scene.
(b) She told someone she was being followed.
(c) She didn't leave a note.
(d) There were no barbiturates in her stomach.

10. Where were the survivors of Flight 66 sitting?
(a) In the front of the plane.
(b) In the rear of the plane.
(c) In the cockpit.
(d) In the middle of the plane.

11. What does Baden note his profession was believed to be?
(a) A dumping ground for those who couldn't finish medical school.
(b) A dumping ground for incompetents.
(c) A place for only the most intelligent.
(d) A place for the elite in the field of medicine.

12. What does Baden claim happens at the site of an accident?
(a) Body stealing.
(b) Looting.
(c) Necrophilia.
(d) Abuse of the deceased.

13. Where did Baden moonlight during his residency?
(a) In the medical examiner's office.
(b) In the hospital.
(c) In the dentist's office.
(d) In the police department.

14. Who was the first victim on which autopsy was performed in a murder investigation?
(a) Samuell Yeoungman.
(b) George Harlington.
(c) Janet Robinson.
(d) Francis Carpenter.

15. Perez and Narcisco were found guilty of what?
(a) Poisoning thirty-five people.
(b) Poisoning ten people.
(c) Poisoning one hundred people.
(d) Poisoning six people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What case does Baden believe was a triumph for forensic medicine in 1910?

2. What is algor mortis?

3. Why does Baden challenge the autopsy finding of the Lindberg baby?

4. What drug does Baden note is invisible on the autopsy table?

5. Which autopsies are done incompetently much of the time?

(see the answer keys)

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