Unleash the Night Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Sherrilyn Kenyon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unleash the Night Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Sherrilyn Kenyon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the zookeepers feed the tigers?
(a) Because the tigers are hungry.
(b) To distract them.
(c) So the tourists can take pictures of the tiger's open mouths.
(d) Because the meat will spoil in the heat if they wait until the regular feeding hour.

2. What do Maggie and Wren decide?
(a) Not to call it quits to their relationship.
(b) To have a romantic weekend in Vegas.
(c) To confront Maggie's father about his disapproval of Wren.
(d) To have dinner that night out of town.

3. Where does Wren rush back to from Maggie's house?
(a) His home.
(b) The mountains.
(c) The library.
(d) Sanctuary.

4. What is Wren's response to Maggie's offer of protection.
(a) He says that even a were mouse would be stronger than Maggie.
(b) He says the were would just slaughter the cops.
(c) He says that perhaps if they put double locks on the doors, her plan will work.
(d) He tells her should could never stand against the were with a mere rifle.

5. What does the caller want?
(a) To know why she's missed a week of class.
(b) To tell her that he is going to get her for getting him in trouble with the law.
(c) To invite her to his birthday gala.
(d) To find out where Dev is.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Aristotle discovers Wren and Maggie in the closet, what does Aristotle ask?

2. What does Aimee tell Wren while at the door to his room?

3. How does Maggie end up on the ground?

4. Back in another, earlier decade, what is Wren witnessing?

5. After spying his mother and uncle toasting the death of Wren's father, what is the next thing Wren remembers?

(see the answer key)

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