Unfit for Command Test | Final Test - Medium

Jerome Corsi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unfit for Command Test | Final Test - Medium

Jerome Corsi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does O'Neill think that Americans are uninformed?
(a) The media is biased and sympathetic to Kerry's liberal agenda.
(b) They don't watch the news very much.
(c) They are incapable of understanding the news.
(d) The media is not aware of Kerry's deceptive practices.

2. Which of the following words are not used to describe Kerry by the authors during his time in Vietnam?
(a) Incompetent.
(b) Cowardly.
(c) Reliable.
(d) Dishonest.

3. What does Kerry claim about his request to enter the military that is not supported by any military records?
(a) That he volunteered for 4 tours of duty.
(b) That he volunteered for an unlimited amount of tours.
(c) That he volunteered for 3 tours of duty.
(d) That he volunteered for 2 tours of duty.

4. Who did Kerry compare the U.S. Army to in his testimony?
(a) Genghis Khan.
(b) Chairman Mao.
(c) Mussolini.
(d) Adolf Hitler.

5. What were Cavett's public views on the war at that time?
(a) He was against it, just like Kerry.
(b) He was for it, unlike Kerry.
(c) He did not make any public stance on the war.
(d) He didn't like it, but he understood the need for it.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to his own accounts, how did Kerry respond to orders instructing him to leave a French resort and report to a more dangerous river patrol?

2. What does VVAW stand for?

3. What was the result of Kerry's congressional run after the Dick Cavett Show?

4. As a result of his poor performance, how did the audience react to Kerry at the end of the Dick Cavett Show?

5. Who has Kerry relied on to support his claims of "war crimes" committed by American troops in Vietnam?

Short Essay Questions

1. How was Kerry awarded the Silver Star?

2. What were the events surrounding the first Purple Heart medal that Kerry received, and why do the authors question its validity?

3. What were Kerry's reasons for choosing the Swift Boats to serve on?

4. What was the content of Kerry's testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, and why did it anger O'Neill so much?

5. What happened in the infamous sampan incident, where a mother and her child were found, and how did Kerry respond?

6. What was the conversation between Kerry and the Captain of an LST en route to An Thoi, and why do the authors dispute it?

7. What does Captain Plumly report about Kerry's service, and how does that correspond to the reports of his trips to Saigon?

8. How was Kerry awarded the third Purple Heart, and why was it significant?

9. Why is it important to understand when the problems between O'Neill and Kerry began?

10. What is an example of the report that Kerry lacked the nerves for combat and often would overreact to situations?

(see the answer keys)

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