Unfit for Command Test | Final Test - Easy

Jerome Corsi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unfit for Command Test | Final Test - Easy

Jerome Corsi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How was Kerry perceived among the other Swiftees during his time in Vietnam?
(a) A greedy politician.
(b) A perpetual whiner.
(c) A perpetual loser.
(d) A willing soldier.

2. Out of the few months Kerry spent in Vietnam, how many of them were for training purposes?
(a) One.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

3. Which of the following words are not used to describe Kerry by the authors during his time in Vietnam?
(a) Incompetent.
(b) Dishonest.
(c) Reliable.
(d) Cowardly.

4. What kept Kerry's unacceptable behavior from his superiors?
(a) His bribery of fellow officers.
(b) His fellow officers.
(c) His own fraudulent reports.
(d) His refusal to file reports.

5. What person did Kerry compare himself to during his tour?
(a) Alexander Hamilton.
(b) Walter Mondale.
(c) John F. Kennedy.
(d) Jimmy Carter.

6. What did the author of Kerry's Boston Globe biography write about Kerry's reason for joining the Swift Boats?
(a) He really liked boats.
(b) He thought it would be a great experience.
(c) He thought it would keep him away from conflict.
(d) He had no idea what he was getting into.

7. How did the Committee reply to O'Neill's request?
(a) They would not even read his request.
(b) They refused to revoke Kerry's testimony.
(c) They would not let him speak.
(d) They would let him speak, but only for 5 minutes.

8. Why does O'Neill think that Americans are uninformed?
(a) The media is biased and sympathetic to Kerry's liberal agenda.
(b) They are incapable of understanding the news.
(c) They don't watch the news very much.
(d) The media is not aware of Kerry's deceptive practices.

9. What was the result of Kerry's congressional run after the Dick Cavett Show?
(a) He failed.
(b) He won.
(c) It was declared a draw.
(d) He withdrew from the race.

10. What was the normal length of one tour of duty in Vietnam?
(a) Two years.
(b) One year.
(c) Two and a half years.
(d) Six months.

11. How did Kerry distort shooting himself in the buttocks in order to receive his third purple heart?
(a) He claimed it was friendly fire.
(b) He claimed it was an accident caused by the intense pressures of an enemy battle.
(c) He claimed he was captured by the enemy and forced to sit on a mine.
(d) He claimed he was shot by the enemy.

12. What is a "skimmer"?
(a) A smaller boat than the normal sized Swift Boat.
(b) A slower boat than the normal Swift Boats.
(c) A faster boat than the normal Swift Boats.
(d) A larger boat than the normal sized Swift Boat.

13. Based on Kerry's report, what kind of knowledge did the U.S. Army have of these "atrocities"?
(a) Partial knowledge at almost all levels of command.
(b) Partial knowledge at all levels of command.
(c) Full knowledge at all levels of command.
(d) Full knowledge at almost all levels of command.

14. What did Kerry have a high regard for, according to those who served with him?
(a) His personal accountability.
(b) His own well being.
(c) His fellow officers.
(d) His exaggerated stories.

15. How did Kerry use his Vietnam experience in his political campaigns?
(a) To demean and embarrass opponents from both political parties.
(b) To support his claim for a larger military.
(c) He refused to talk about his service during his campaigns.
(d) He used it to deal with several losses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does O'Neill encourage the readers to do in order to substantiate his account of the Dick Cavett Show?

2. How does William Franke, who served with Kerry, describe his attitude about serving?

3. Who did Kerry compare the U.S. Army to in his testimony?

4. How did Kerry injure himself during his time with the skimmer?

5. What was Kerry referencing during his tour of duty in Vietnam, with regards to Purple Hearts?

(see the answer keys)

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