Unfit for Command Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Jerome Corsi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unfit for Command Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Jerome Corsi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Introduction.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What position did Roy F. Hoffman hold?
(a) Rear Admiral.
(b) Deck Sergeant.
(c) Colonel.
(d) Lieutenant.

2. How many signatures were on the open letter to Kerry from the Swiftees?
(a) Over 200.
(b) Over 250.
(c) Nearly 100.
(d) Nearly 200.

3. How was Hoffman involved with the Swift Boats?
(a) He was the route planner.
(b) He was the lieutenant in charge.
(c) He was the tactics division specialist.
(d) He was the commander.

4. What does Hoffman believe Kerry is unfit for?
(a) To be the secretary of state.
(b) To be commander in chief.
(c) To be commander of the Swift Boats.
(d) To be the captain of the Swift Boats.

5. How does O'Neill refer to Ponder's participation in the Swift Boat Veterans Reunion?
(a) It was the most memorable moment.
(b) It was the first moment.
(c) It was the most surprising moment.
(d) It was the last moment.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which one of the following does Hoffman question about Kerry in the Introduction?

2. What causes Hoffman to be concerned about Kerry with regards to his political goals?

3. How many Swiftees served with Kerry during his tour?

4. Which forests were the PCFs assigned to?

5. Who is recognized along with Kerry in the "War Heroes" exhibit?

(see the answer key)

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