Understanding Comics Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Understanding Comics Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the time after printing was invented, when words and pictures appeared together, how were they combined?
(a) Words and pictures co-mingled.
(b) Words and pictures stayed separate.
(c) Words always appeared larger.
(d) Pictures always appeared larger.

2. What step puts it all together - edits the work for content, arrangement and composition?
(a) Craft
(b) Structure
(c) Form
(d) Surface

3. What fruit is used to illustrate the path of creating art?
(a) Orange
(b) Banana
(c) Peach
(d) Apple

4. What combination has words that amplify or elaborate on an image, or vice versa?
(a) Duo-specific
(b) Additive
(c) Inter-dependent
(d) Montage

5. What step constructs the work by applying skills, practical knowledge, invention, and problem-solving?
(a) Structure
(b) Form
(c) Craft
(d) Idiom

Short Answer Questions

1. Who drew Dick Tracy?

2. What kind of combination uses words and pictures on separate courses with no intersection?

3. The bold lines, obtuse angles and heavy blacks in Dick Tracy were meant to suggest a _________ of adults.

4. Who was the creator of Uncle $crooge?

5. Which blatantly expressionistic artist created The Underground?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the origin of words.

2. How can an artist depict emotion in a comic?

3. What is synaesthetics?

4. What problem results from people believing that comics is a new form of media?

5. Does the six-step path need to be completed in a specific order?

6. Describe the process of creating art using the six-step path.

7. How does McCloud feel about color and comics?

8. Why was the four-color process created?

9. How can a word balloon vary?

10. In panels rich with images, why would an artist add words?

(see the answer keys)

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