Understanding Comics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Understanding Comics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What combination has words add a soundtrack to a largely complete picture?
(a) Duo-specific
(b) Picture-specific
(c) Word-specific
(d) Parallel

2. In the time after printing was invented, when words and pictures appeared together, how were they combined?
(a) Pictures always appeared larger.
(b) Words and pictures stayed separate.
(c) Words always appeared larger.
(d) Words and pictures co-mingled.

3. Which of the following is NOT an additive primary?
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Blue
(d) Green

4. One property of flat colors is a tendency to emphasize the _____ of animate and inanimate objects
(a) size
(b) action
(c) purpose
(d) shape

5. In the time after the printing press, which art form was obsessed with resemblance, light and color?
(a) Written word
(b) Spoken word
(c) Visual arts
(d) Music

6. What step is the genre or school of art to which the work belongs?
(a) Idea/Purpose
(b) Craft
(c) Structure
(d) Idiom

7. The mixing of words and pictures is more _______ than _______.
(a) mathematics; psychology
(b) mathematics; alchemy
(c) psychology; science
(d) alchemy; science

8. Which is true of most written languages?
(a) They are not abstract.
(b) They bear traces of their ancient pictorial heritage (e.g. Chinese).
(c) They represent sound only and lose resemblance to the visible world.
(d) They sound how they look.

9. What kind of combination treats words as integral parts of the picture?
(a) Word specific
(b) Montage
(c) Duo-specific
(d) Inter-dependent

10. Whose uneven lines pantomimed the inner struggles of modern life?
(a) Kirby
(b) Jose Munoz
(c) Jules Feiffer
(d) Spiegelman

11. What combination has pictures that illustrate but don't significantly add to a largely complete text?
(a) Additive
(b) Picture-specific
(c) Duo-specific
(d) Word-specific

12. What fruit is used to illustrate the path of creating art?
(a) Peach
(b) Banana
(c) Orange
(d) Apple

13. What is the concept of uniting different art forms associated with different senses?
(a) Marriage
(b) Phenomenology
(c) Synaesthetics
(d) Consolidation

14. In black and white, the ideas ______ the art are communicated more ______.
(a) behind; directly
(b) in front of; indirectly
(c) in front of; directly
(d) behind; indirectly

15. Pictures and words should have what kind of relationship?
(a) Domineering
(b) Partnership
(c) Unequal
(d) Subversive

Short Answer Questions

1. Who drew Dick Tracy?

2. Which French pianist devised the idea of three subtractive primaries?

3. Which of the following creators is often regarded as a pioneer or revolutionary whose art became the purpose?

4. What did Eisner call a desperation device?

5. In the structure of a comic, where can senses and emotions be portrayed?

(see the answer keys)

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