Under the Net Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under the Net Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was being tested in the clinic that James and Hugo were both involved in?
(a) Electroshock therapy.
(b) Creativity.
(c) Anxiety treatments.
(d) Cold treatments.

2. James began to work on his ___________, but he eventually fell asleep doing so.
(a) Manuscripts.
(b) Belongings.
(c) Paintings.
(d) Shoes.

3. What does James realize was looking at him when he first opened up the door to the company?
(a) Paintings.
(b) Masks.
(c) Mirrors.
(d) Actors.

4. ___________ was giving James huge hints and although he did not understand what was to come next, he knew he had to fix problems in the meantime.
(a) Life.
(b) Fate.
(c) Hugo.
(d) Heart.

5. Who does James find in Magdalen's house when he goes back for this things?
(a) Anna.
(b) Magdalen.
(c) Sammy.
(d) Sadie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Anna suggests that James talk to __________ about staying at their flat as they are going to be going to the States for a while.

2. Dave sees James lingering in the ____________ and quickly tells him that he can not stay.

3. What is the name of the aide who tells James that they have been kicked out of their current living arrangements?

4. What was the source of the high pitched chattering sounds that the men heard on the way to Hugo's?

5. Lefty Todd was the eccentric leader of the New Independent ______________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does James buy on his way to see Sadie as he passes a shop on Oxford Street in this book?

2. What does James find is at the address which he has uncovered for Anna's current location?

3. What does James typically do for a living although he is actually a writer by trade in this book?

4. What did James find upon arriving at Hugo's flat during his wanderings around town?

5. What do Finn and James find upon breaking into Sammy's place to find the script?

6. What is James convinced that fate is trying to do for him in his life in this book?

7. What does Dave think James needs to do in order to get rid of his angst in this book?

8. What does James watch Lefty do when he is in the movie studio set in this book?

9. What does James learn about Finn upon his arrival at Dave's house after returning from Paris?

10. Why does James think so highly of Mrs. Tinckham and his bottle of whiskey in this book?

(see the answer keys)

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