Under the Net Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under the Net Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lefty Todd was the eccentric leader of the New Independent ______________.
(a) Communists.
(b) Socialists.
(c) Fascists.
(d) Capitalists.

2. James first met Hugo at a ___________ where James went to earn some extra cash.
(a) Experimental cold clinic.
(b) Bar.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) Newspaper shop.

3. Anna lets James know she has had an ____________ that she doesn't like, but can not turn down.
(a) Amnesty.
(b) Argument.
(c) Engagement.
(d) Offer.

4. Anna tells James that the company is an amateur __________ company, though she will not say much else.
(a) Acting.
(b) Art.
(c) Movie.
(d) Music.

5. Anna suggests that James talk to __________ about staying at their flat as they are going to be going to the States for a while.
(a) Magdalen.
(b) Sadie.
(c) Mrs. Tinckham.
(d) Julia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lefty said he'd heard that ___________ was a talented man who was too lazy to work.

2. A high pitched chattering sound made the men think that Hugo was having a _____________.

3. Where does Lefty first have to make a stop after the men all decide to leave the pub?

4. Anna was glad to see James, but rebuffed his attempts to talk about _______________.

5. What did James go to the chemist to buy for his headache after sleeping in the park?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was James' immediate response to becoming Sadie's bodyguard in this book?

2. What did Hugo and James agree was an ironic twist in their love relationships in this book?

3. What did James do to Anna as he felt that they would be conversing like two old acquaintances in a few moments?

4. What are some of the tasks James gets to do at his new job in this book?

5. Why did the guard eventually let James into the film studio where Hugo is working in this book?

6. What do Lefty and James realize about each other the more they talk to each other?

7. Why can't James leave the house when he decides to go find Hugo after the phone call?

8. What is James afraid has been stolen from him when he was living at Magdalen's?

9. What was James' new job at the hospital where he secured employment in this book?

10. What happens to the company that Hugo had inherited from his parents in this book?

(see the answer keys)

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