Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Tulacque believe that those who drive the artillery pieces to Verdun are not truly in the war?

2. What is Gauchin-l'Abbé?

3. What type of establishment does Eudore's wife Mariette run?

4. Chapter 7 begins with the squad waiting where as they prepare for redeployment?

5. Where do the men of Cpl. Bertrand's squad hope to be sent for rest?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Paradis's mood change throughout Chapter 16?

2. How do the civilian's perceptions of the war differ from the soldier's experiences?

3. Where do the men go when the bombardment gets worse? What happens when they get there?

4. How does the author feel about the speech of the characters in the book he is writing?

5. How does Volpatte regard his wound? How do the other men regard it?

6. What is Poterloo's mental state when he and the narrator discover the remains of Souchez?

7. How adequate are the rations and wages issued to the men?

8. What is the "feast of the survivors"?

9. How prepared are the men for a gas attack?

10. Where is Fouillade from, and what is his hometown like?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Trench warfare features heavily in the novel, and brutality of a frontal assault on a trench is shown in detail in the title chapter, "Under Fire."

Part 1) Based on information from the book, describe the basics of trench warfare. Why are trenches necessary? How is a trench defended and assaulted?

Part 2) Cite examples from the book to show how successful frontal assaults against trenches usually are. What dangers does an assaulting force face on their approach to the trench?

Part 3) Describe the overall effectiveness of this kind of warfare. Based on the events of the novel, does this kind of warfare appear decisive?

Essay Topic 2

Many types of forces and divisions within the French army are discussed in the book. The poilus are the mainstay of the French forces, but there are many others, including the Territorials, the Zouaves, and the Foreign Legion.

Part 1) Describe in detail at least three forces in the French army besides the poilus. Using information from the book, discuss their composition, their armaments, and their strengths and weaknesses.

Part 2) Using examples from the book, explain how each of these groups performs a vital function in the French army that helps to support the poilus.

Part 3) Explain how the poilus relate to each of these others forces. How often do they work in close connection? What is the poilus' opinion of each group?

Essay Topic 3

The brutality and deprivation of life in the trenches is a near-constant throughout the squad's travels and experiences. Although many men of the squad grumble and complain about their conditions, others develop a philosophical outlook and accept their state for as long as they must. This struggle to deal with the seemingly unbearable conditions in the trenches is a constant psychological challenge for the men of the squad, alleviated occasionally by leave and quartering in villages.

Part 1) Describe some of the hardships faced by the men when living in the trenches. How healthy and sanitary are the conditions? How much protection do the men have from weather or from sudden enemy attack? How comfortably are they able to eat, live, and sleep?

Part 2) Explain some of the ways that the men deal with their situation in the trenches. What luxuries and activities are considered welcome diversions? Explain examples discussed in the book of the men acting to make their situation physically more pleasant. Discuss psychological adaptations that the men make to better deal with their surroundings.

Part 3) How do the men react to the occasional respite from trench life? What luxuries of normal life do they relish? How do the men make the most of their leaves and opportunities to escape from the trenches?

(see the answer keys)

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