Under Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to some of the rats that eat the corpses on the battlefield?
(a) They are shot by the soldiers.
(b) They are caught and eaten by hungry soldiers.
(c) They die of poisoning.
(d) They fight over corpses and kill each other.

2. Why does Joseph Mesnil go into "no man's land"?
(a) To find a German rifle.
(b) Because he is drunk.
(c) To search for his brother.
(d) Because he wants to die.

3. At the beginning of Chapter 22, how many men from Bertrad's squad survive?
(a) Six men survive.
(b) Three men survive.
(c) Ten men survive.
(d) Twelve men survive.

4. According to Cocon, how many villages has the squad quartered in?
(a) 16.
(b) 47 villages.
(c) 3.
(d) 29.

5. What does a sapper do?
(a) Scouts out the terrain ahead of a unit.
(b) Lays and removes mines.
(c) Locates enemy units.
(d) Builds bridges and fortifications.

6. What was the purpose of the patrol that Lamuse, Barque, Biquet, and Eudore died on?
(a) To clear out an international trench.
(b) To locate new supplies.
(c) To find a German listening post.
(d) To clear an area of mines.

7. How is Joseph Mesnil injured?
(a) A sniper shoots him after he takes out a machine gun.
(b) He is killed in close combat.
(c) He intentionally runs into machine gun fire after the battle is over.
(d) One of his grenades explodes early.

8. When the squad's march comes to a halt, there is always a competition for which of the following?
(a) Tobacco.
(b) Place in the food line.
(c) The first watch.
(d) Sleeping space.

9. How do the men prevent their cleaned rifles from being stolen by lazy or dishonest soldiers?
(a) They keep watch in pairs.
(b) They sleep with their rifles under them.
(c) They put an identifying mark on them.
(d) They disassemble the rifles.

10. The German in the refuge served as which of the following?
(a) An aviator.
(b) An officer.
(c) A sniper.
(d) A sapper.

11. What does Volpatte repeat as he charges into the machine gun fire?
(a) "Don't worry."
(b) "Alright."
(c) "Let's go."
(d) "Hurry up."

12. Who is the "weasel-faced ancient at Gauchin" from the newspaper story?
(a) The old treasure hunting man the squad met earlier.
(b) The Commandant.
(c) Cpl. Bertrand.
(d) The Marist brother.

13. What does Cocon calculate about the squad?
(a) How many miles they marched.
(b) How likely they are to survive.
(c) How many supplies they consumed since formation.
(d) How much weight they carry in total.

14. What does the author call the useless things that the men carry with them?
(a) Their "souvenirs."
(b) Their "treasures."
(c) Their "crutches."
(d) Their "burdens."

15. How do the men respond when asked to describe life on the front?
(a) They describe the situation honestly.
(b) They make up heroic stories about themselves.
(c) They lie, underplaying its horrors.
(d) They embellish its hardships.

Short Answer Questions

1. Near the last stretch of his journey to bring the wounded Joseph to safety, the narrator encounters a wounded man that he compares to which of the following?

2. Why don't the men want to get drunk the night before returning to the trenches?

3. In Chapter 14, the squad learns that they are headed where?

4. In Chapter 15, when the men run low on supplies, what does the narrator give to Paradis?

5. What does the German demand of God?

(see the answer keys)

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