Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Volpatte and Fouillade help Sgt. Sacerdote?
(a) They drag him out of the German field of fire.
(b) They aid him in a small raid.
(c) They help him recover from shell shock.
(d) They tend his wounds.

2. Why does Tulacque believe that those who drive the artillery pieces to Verdun are not truly in the war?
(a) There is no activity in Verdun.
(b) They are not armed.
(c) They are civilians.
(d) They are only exposed to danger once.

3. Which of the following was considered an aggravating circumstance in the veteran's case?
(a) He once assaulted a police officer.
(b) He served in the foreign legion.
(c) He was a decorated war hero.
(d) He was once arrested for drunkenness as a civilian.

4. Why was the veteran executed just prior to the events of Chapter 10?
(a) He killed a civilian.
(b) He was caught stealing from an officer.
(c) He was trying to avoid going back to the front.
(d) He fled from the enemy.

5. According to Cocon, how many corps are present in the area of the railway depot?
(a) 4 corps.
(b) 39 corps.
(c) 104 corps.
(d) 12 corps.

6. According to Cocon, how many divisions comprise a corps?
(a) Ten corps.
(b) Four corps.
(c) Seven corps.
(d) Two corps.

7. What order does Cpl. Broyer issue?
(a) He orders pointless maneuvers.
(b) He orders constant drills.
(c) He orders a morning parade.
(d) He orders the men to dig trenches.

8. What do the men concede with regards to the "shirkers"?
(a) It is a smart thing to do.
(b) Shirking is human nature.
(c) They are necessary.
(d) They are unavoidable.

9. What is Volpatte's condition when he is found?
(a) He is wrapped in bloody bandages.
(b) He is insane.
(c) He is violently ill.
(d) He is dead.

10. Volpatte shares the first part of his story just after the squad finishes what type of duty?
(a) Digging a deep trench.
(b) Creating a large dirt pallisade.
(c) Patrolling a forested area.
(d) Rebuilding a road.

11. Where does Volpatte overhear the gossip of the gentlemen at the depot?
(a) In an officer's social hall.
(b) From the kitchen, where he is helping.
(c) At a tavern in town.
(d) On the radio.

12. Why are the gentlemen of the depot jealous of Bourin the Parisian?
(a) He received orders to deploy for combat.
(b) He has just been promoted.
(c) He is getting married soon.
(d) He is safe in the south.

13. What is Biquet's response to his mother's concern for him as expressed in her letter?
(a) He immediately writes back to console her.
(b) He is amused.
(c) He is totally unphased.
(d) He is worried.

14. Cpl. Marchal has what relationship to the narrator?
(a) He serves under the narrator.
(b) He saved the narrator's life.
(c) He is the narrator's commanding officer.
(d) He is an old friend of the narrator's.

15. Why do the gentlemen of the depot take care to avoid Volpatte?
(a) He is exceptionally rude to them.
(b) He is war-mucky.
(c) He is crude and vulgar.
(d) He is an enlisted man.

Short Answer Questions

1. The narrator compares Lamuse to what mythological figure?

2. Who is sent with the narrator to find the missing Volpatte and Fouillade?

3. According to Cocon, each regiment includes how many non-combatants?

4. Why does Labri refuse to eat?

5. When first asked to share his story about the depot, what does Volpatte repeat?

(see the answer keys)

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