Under a White Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Kolbert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Under a White Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Kolbert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A widely supported view regarding years the effect of human behavior on the environment is that it did not really become significant until when?
(a) The late-eighteenth century.
(b) The early-twentieth century.
(c) The late-seventeenth century.
(d) The early-nineteenth century.

2. Kolbert tells the reader that geothermal plants are relatively clean but do produce what gases?
(a) Hydrogen monoxide and carbon monoxide.
(b) Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.
(c) Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
(d) Hydrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide.

3. Which Dr. Suess book does Kolbert compare biological interventions?
(a) Horton Hears a Who.
(b) The Cat in the Hat Comes Back.
(c) Fox in Sox.
(d) The Cat in the Hat.

4. Kolbert talks about a trip she took to Zurich, Switzerland, where she visited a Climeworks facility; what was done with the carbon dioxide?
(a) It was used to feed a greenhouse full of vegetables.
(b) It was used to burn trash.
(c) It was used to fuel cars.
(d) It was used to make stone fr building.

5. To what has gene-drive technology been compared?
(a) Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange.
(b) Steven King’s It.
(c) Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice.
(d) Kurt Vonnegut’s ice-nine.

6. What combination does Kolbert mention that could make cane toads non-lethal and coral heat-resistant?
(a) CRISPR used in conjunction with the power of dominant genes.
(b) CRISPR used in conjunction with the power of outliar genes.
(c) CRISPR used in conjunction with the power of rogue genes.
(d) CRISPR used in conjunction with the power of outlaw genes.

7. What is unfortunate about carbon, even if emissions are reduced or stopped?
(a) It takes several years to dissolve.
(b) It does not turn to stone easily.
(c) It is always poisonous.
(d) Once in the air, it stays there.

8. Where does it make sense to have a geothermal plant?
(a) In the jungle.
(b) Along a seashore.
(c) In high altitude.
(d) Along a seam of active volcanoes.

9. According to Kolbert, if the Anthropocene’s clearest geological marker is a spike in radioactive particles, what is its clearest biological marker?
(a) A spike in rodents.
(b) A decline in rodents.
(c) A decline in disease.
(d) A spike in disease.

10. What is the mouse called that would make it so only male mice survived?
(a) A Y-Power Mouse.
(b) An X-Shredder mouse.
(c) A Y-Yield Mouse.
(d) An X-Factor Mouse.

11. Lackner and a friend, Christopher Wendt, met over beers and starting wondering what?
(a) Why no one was coming up with big, crazy ideas anymore.
(b) Why humans are always screwing up.
(c) Where the best beer is brewed.
(d) How long it would be until the earth died.

12. What do Tizard and his partner hope to accomplish regarding cane toad eggs?
(a) Make them less abundant.
(b) Make the eggs impossible to fertilize.
(c) Make them hard to swallow.
(d) Make them edible.

13. What did Lin Schwarzkopf help to invent?
(a) Brodifacoum.
(b) The Toadinator trap.

14. How are rodents often currently killed?
(a) Through hunting.
(b) Euthanasia.
(c) Traps.
(d) Poison.

15. What is the strongest argument for gene editing cane toads, house mice, and ship rats?
(a) It is inexpensive.
(b) It is already in the works.
(c) It is a flawless solution.
(d) What is the alternative?

Short Answer Questions

1. How far underground would carbon dioxide be injected?

2. Lackner also believes that dealing with emissions should be similar to dealing with what?

3. Who is Edda Aradóttir?

4. What does Kolbert use to make yeast glow?

5. What is NOT one of the problems mentioned regarding cane toads?

(see the answer keys)

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