Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Final Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Final Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who hides some of Kovály's items in her building's basement?
(a) Mrs. Machova.
(b) Ivan.
(c) Kovály herself.
(d) Pavel Kovály.

2. How is Margolius personally impacted by Slánský's arrest?
(a) The arrest makes Margolius regret his friendship with Slánský.
(b) The arrest means Margolius' gets a promotion at work.
(c) The arrest makes Margolius question the Communist government for the first time.
(d) The arrest makes Margolius paranoid.

3. What is Pavel Kovály said to have had no interest in?
(a) Other people.
(b) Making money.
(c) Czech independence.
(d) Party politics.

4. Who is Dr. Bartos?
(a) A psychologist
(b) An attorney.
(c) A pediatrician.
(d) A surgeon.

5. What does Kovály find has happened to Margolius' ashes?
(a) They are mixed into asphalt to pave a road.
(b) They are buried in a mass grave.
(c) They are dumped into a lake.
(d) His ashes are spread on an icy roadway.

6. Why is Kovály unable to move into a cheaper apartment after Margolius' arrest?
(a) She cannot afford the moving fees.
(b) The party refuses to let her.
(c) There is a housing shortage in Prague.
(d) She is under house arrest.

7. What is listed Margolius' official cause of death?
(a) Natural causes.
(b) Heart failure.
(c) An infection.
(d) Suffocation by hanging.

8. What would one have to do in order to buy anything?
(a) Order via catalogue.
(b) Go to a central city market.
(c) Wait in long lines.
(d) File a request with local authorities.

9. What does Kovály notice about nearly all the people arrested by the government?
(a) They are Jewish.
(b) They are middle-level politicians.
(c) They are unmarried men.
(d) They are former resistance members.

10. How does Kovály react to the news that the Party committee gives her?
(a) She is relieved.
(b) She is sad.
(c) She reacts with fury.
(d) She is happy.

11. What does Ivan promise his mother when he finally returns from the country?
(a) To get revenge for what happened to his father.
(b) To clear his father's name.
(c) To support her.
(d) To rescue her from Prague.

12. How is Margolius associated with Rudolf Slánský?
(a) They play golf together.
(b) They share an office.
(c) They know each other as teenagers.
(d) They have virtually no connection.

13. As Communism takes hold in Czechoslovakia, what does Kovály note about the confessions issued by arrested individuals?
(a) They are sarcastic.
(b) They are read in Russian.
(c) They are heart-wrenching
(d) They are full of Party verbiage.

14. What book does Margolius tell Kovály he has read and enjoyed.
(a) Illusion and Liberty.
(b) Men of Clear Conscience.
(c) The Communist Manifesto.
(d) Animal Farm.

15. Whose permission does Kovály require in order to obtain the document she needs to arrange her life?
(a) The Communist Party's.
(b) A lawyer's.
(c) A notary public's.
(d) A doctor's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to power in 1956?

2. What is the meaning of the 'S' stamped on Margolius' case file?

3. What word does Kovály use to describe Pavel Kovály?

4. What do the police seize from the Margolius' apartment?

5. Who is Rudolf Slánský?

(see the answer keys)

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