Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Final Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Final Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kovály notice about nearly all the people arrested by the government?
(a) They are Jewish.
(b) They are former resistance members.
(c) They are unmarried men.
(d) They are middle-level politicians.

2. Who suggests to Kovály that her apartment might be bugged?
(a) Pavel Eisler.
(b) Ruda.
(c) Margolius.
(d) Mrs. Machova.

3. After her illness, what does Kovály do to prepare to reenter the outside world?
(a) Kovály learns to speak Russian.
(b) Kovály devotes herself to Communism.
(c) Kovály writes letters to long-lost friends and family.
(d) Kovály dyes her clothing black.

4. Who comes to power in 1956?
(a) Nikolai Bulganin.
(b) Alexey Kosygin.
(c) Iosef Stalin.
(d) Nikita Khruschchev.

5. Months after Margolius' arrest, why does the Communist Party send a team to Kovály's apartment?
(a) To arrest Kovály.
(b) To confiscate her money.
(c) To catalogue her possessions.
(d) To seize documents.

6. What book does Margolius tell Kovály he has read and enjoyed.
(a) The Communist Manifesto.
(b) Illusion and Liberty.
(c) Men of Clear Conscience.
(d) Animal Farm.

7. What does Margolius beg Kovály to do during their last meeting?
(a) Help his escape.
(b) Forget she ever knew him.
(c) Remarry.
(d) Leave Czechoslovakia.

8. What kind of feeling is said to have pervaded Prague in 1968?
(a) A feeling of freedom.
(b) Terror.
(c) Anger.
(d) Hopelessness.

9. Who greets Kovály and Margolius at the anniversary celebration?
(a) Rudolf Slánský.
(b) Klement Gottwald.
(c) Josef Frank.
(d) Tomáš Masaryk.

10. What happens economically in Czechoslovakia as Communism takes hold?
(a) The economy booms.
(b) Economic activity returns to its pre-war levels.
(c) The economy slows to a crawl.
(d) The economy grows by fifty percent.

11. Who occupies Czechoslovakia after what is effectively a kidnapping of the new leadership?
(a) Japanese troops.
(b) German troops.
(c) Soviet bloc troops.
(d) American troops.

12. After recovering from her illness and mourning, what document does Kovály realize she needs in order to arrange her life?
(a) A death certificate.
(b) Her husband's will.
(c) A driver's license.
(d) Her birth certificate.

13. How does Kovály leave Prague after the news of the new governments accession?
(a) By train.
(b) By bus.
(c) By boat.
(d) By car.

14. What does Kovály find has happened to Margolius' ashes?
(a) They are mixed into asphalt to pave a road.
(b) They are buried in a mass grave.
(c) They are dumped into a lake.
(d) His ashes are spread on an icy roadway.

15. What does Pavel Kovály find for the apartment Kovály moves to after Margolius' death?
(a) A radio.
(b) A mattress.
(c) An icebox.
(d) A stove.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is listed Margolius' official cause of death?

2. After the change of power in 1956, what does The Party admit in regards to the confessions of political prisoners?

3. Where is Pavel Kovály on the morning of the occupation of Czechoslovakia?

4. Who is Merenka?

5. Who is favored by Communist propaganda?

(see the answer keys)

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