Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is clear about Communism in Czechoslovakia by the end of 1949?
(a) That is would be no different than it was in Russia.
(b) It was incorruptable.
(c) It would fail within months.
(d) It was more successful than it was in Russia.

2. On one occasion, Kovály discovers the body of an acquaintance covered with what?
(a) Blankets.
(b) Maggots.
(c) Hay.
(d) Rats.

3. Who is Eva?
(a) Kovály's cousin.
(b) A camp inmate who is shot for stealing food.
(c) A young and frail camp inmate.
(d) A Jewish nurse who looks after the inmates.

4. What happens to the national borders as 1948 end?
(a) The borders are closed.
(b) The Soviet Union stations their armies at the borders.
(c) The borders are reopened.
(d) The borders are extended.

5. Who moves into Kovály's apartment with her?
(a) Margolius.
(b) A young Jewish woman.
(c) Auntie.
(d) Marta.

6. How are the escaped women able to cross the border out of Nazi Germany?
(a) They hide in the back of an army truck.
(b) They sneak across a border checkpoint.
(c) They receive help from a Greman officer.
(d) They follow a river out of Germany.

7. What happens to the people who are staying in Auschwitz as the allied forces advance?
(a) They are relocated via train.
(b) They are marched westward.
(c) They are executed.
(d) They are released.

8. During her time in hiding, what does Kovály wish she could go outside to do?
(a) Enjoy the springtime.
(b) Plant flowers.
(c) Visit with friends.
(d) Visit the library.

9. In the ghetto where she is taken, Kovály assists a person of which profession?
(a) A teacher.
(b) An artist.
(c) A writer.
(d) A physician.

10. After finding a place to stay, what immediately happens to Kovály?
(a) She collapses with a fever.
(b) She is sent new clothes and a small amount of money.
(c) She is visited by a former classmate.
(d) She is arrested.

11. To what kind of job does an old friend in the country urge Margolius to turn?
(a) A factory job.
(b) A teaching job.
(c) A banking job.
(d) A farming job.

12. Who is Franz?
(a) A Nazi guard who often acts as executioner.
(b) A Nazi guard who gives food to the camp inmates.
(c) A man Kovály knows from her old neighborhood.
(d) A Nazi guard who occasionally lets prisoners escape.

13. What position does Margolius secure in the government?
(a) Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade.
(b) Deputy Minister of State Security.
(c) General Secretary.
(d) Finance Minister.

14. This is the only Jewish person Kovály knew before the war who returns to Prague?
(a) Rudolf Margolius.
(b) The local Rabbi.
(c) Vlada.
(d) Her aunt.

15. What is the most appealing form of government for the majority of Czechs following the war?
(a) Communism.
(b) Monarchy.
(c) Dictatorship.
(d) Democracy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does NOT describe Kovály when she arrives at the camp?

2. After returning to Prague, Kovály receives a note from Ruda that contains what?

3. What happens to Kovály's mother on arrival at the concentration camp?

4. In 1941, with whom does Kovály live in the ghetto where she is taken?

5. What name does Kovály give her first child?

(see the answer keys)

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