Undaunted Courage Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undaunted Courage Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13 Entering Indian Country August 1804 | Chapter 14 Encounter with the Sioux September 1804.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. France, having transferred the Louisiana Territory to the US, allows the expedition to
(a) Include foreigners in the group of explorers
(b) Travel through American territory wihout hostility
(c) Freely trap for fur along the way
(d) Purchase guns from the French

2. When the funds were appropriate from Congress for the expedition, Jefferson undertook to
(a) Gather wagons and guns for Lewis
(b) Have Lewis fully educated by experts in many fields
(c) Have Lewis come to live with him in the presidential house
(d) Show Lewis how to calculate latitude and longitude

3. Even as a private, Lewis is accepted among military officers because
(a) He is educated
(b) He comes from a wealthy family
(c) He is extremely capable
(d) He is a great horseman

4. The most serious delay in starting the expedition was due to
(a) The slowness of the US mail
(b) Having to locate large quantities of dried food
(c) The process of choosing men to participate
(d) The building of the boat

5. To follow the large keelboats up the river, the expedition made use of
(a) Pirogues
(b) Ski-doos
(c) Paddles
(d) Inflatable vests

Short Answer Questions

1. Of the 5.5 million people in America during Jefferson's time,

2. Captain Clark's commission named him only as a

3. In addition to the enlisted men, the group included York, who was

4. It is important to Lewis that the men consider

5. The primary means of overland transportation in the 1700s was

(see the answer key)

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