Uncle Vanya Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Vanya Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Yelena say has real talent and a real vision, and that he must be cared for?
(a) Telegin.
(b) Astrov.
(c) Vanya.
(d) The Professsor.

2. Who tells the others to go to bed because he has come to sit with the Professor for a while?
(a) A worker.
(b) Vanya.
(c) Telegin.
(d) Astrov.

3. Who says that Astrov is perfectly welcome to stay and to wait for the Professor?
(a) Vanya.
(b) Yelena.
(c) Maria.
(d) Sonya.

4. What has Maria received from a writer that she likes and she shares this with the rest of the house?
(a) A pamphlet.
(b) A phone call.
(c) A picture.
(d) A personal letter.

5. Vanya says the Yelena is faithful in her marriage, but her faithfulness is _______________.
(a) The truth.
(b) Wearing away.
(c) Artificial.
(d) A duty.

Short Answer Questions

1. ________ could have proposed marriage to Yelena before she met her current husband, though he did not.

2. ________ tells Sonya he will not listen to any phone calls from the Professor anymore.

3. When Yelena tells Vanya it's a nice day, what does Vanya say that it is a nice day to do?

4. What does the Professor ask Sonya to pass him, after which he says she's given him the wrong stuff?

5. _________ complains about how there is nothing else to talk about, nothing new to talk about.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Astrov admit to Yelena in reference to his feelings about Sonya when Yelena asks him?

2. What does Vanya announce to everyone when he walks into this second scene of the play?

3. What does the Professor say about the medicine he wants Sonya to pass to him?

4. Who comes into the house from the woods as Astrov, Marina, and Vanya all stand or sit in the main room?

5. What does Astrov return to the room with after Sonya has coaxed him into coming over to them?

6. What is odd about the Professor's appearance according to Astrov and Vanya?

7. What does Vanya say in response to the Professor's apology to him after he too apologizes?

8. What is the argument that Sonya gives to Vanya in order to encourage him to give back the morphine?

9. What are some of the things Sonya suggests Yelena do if she is really as bored as she seems?

10. What does Vanya tell everyone to do when he finally reenters the scene with Astrov?

(see the answer keys)

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