Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When George and his family are established in Canada, what is it that George specifically says he wants more than anything?
(a) His own business.
(b) A home near the ocean.
(c) A home in the mountains.
(d) An education.

2. How effective of a money manager is Augustine St. Clare?
(a) He is an expert money manager who helps others with their finances.
(b) He is careless and extravagant with money.
(c) He is a good manager, but people steal from him because he is so trusting.
(d) He is a fairly good money manager.

3. From whom does the reader learn that a black person's testimony as witness in a trial means nothing?
(a) Mrs. Shelby.
(b) Mr. Shelby.
(c) Simon Legree.
(d) Uncle Tom.

4. When Eva is alone in her room, why does Eva cut her hair?
(a) To make herself look older.
(b) To give locks of hair to people to remember her by.
(c) To make doll hair for a doll for Topsy.
(d) To make washing her hair less difficult.

5. Who tries to convince Tom that it would be advantageous to him to burn his Bible?
(a) Lucy.
(b) Emmeline.
(c) Cassy.
(d) Simon Legree.

Short Answer Questions

1. What illness has Tom Lokar been laid up with for three weeks?

2. Whose funeral takes place at the villa on the lake at the end of Chapter 27?

3. When the Shelby's get Uncle Tom's letter, what does Mr. Shelby say that Tom should do to get on with his life?

4. On the first night at the Legree plantation, what does Tom dream of when he falls asleep?

5. What happened in the weeks following the death at the St. Clare villa that most influenced Augustine and led to changes he made in the running of his household?

Short Essay Questions

1. As the loose ends of the story are tied up in Chapter 44, what is the purpose of Chapter 45, the final chapter?

2. How is Tom's death the epitome of selflessness and forgiveness?

3. Explain how the following passage is foreshadowing: "the rays of the sun formed a kind of glory behind her [Eva], as she came forward in her white dress, with her golden hair and glowing cheeks, her eyes unnaturally bright..."

4. How does the language of Eliza and George's escape to freedom reflect the mood of this journey--"The blue waves of Lake Erie danced, rippling and sparkling in the sunlight. A fresh breeze blew from the shore, and the lordly boat ploughed her way right gallantly onward."

5. What is ironic about how and why Augustine St. Clare dies?

6. Why might Stowe ends this chapter speaking directly to the reader about what might it feel like to be free for the first time?

7. How does Miss Ophelia's feelings about "training" Topsy reveal what the problem is for people who attempt to control their servants or slaves with violence?

8. How do the physical descriptions of Simon Legree himself and his plantation symbolize his character?

9. What do readers learn about the development of a person from the relationship between Eva and Topsy?

10. What are the similarities between Aunt Chloe And Mrs. Shelby which are emphasized?

(see the answer keys)

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