Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Mr. Butler headed when the reader meets him in the tavern?
(a) The Haley plantation.
(b) Canada.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Ohio.

2. Which includes most of the descriptive details of Eliza at the doorstep of the Bird's house?
(a) Torn, frozen clothes.
(b) Torn, frozen clothes, and bandaged head.
(c) Torn, frozen clothes, one shoe missing, bleeding.
(d) Torn, frozen clothes, bleeding, arm broken and in a sling.

3. What "happy days" does Eliza think of as she leaves the Shelby house?
(a) Days happily learning to read and write with the young master.
(b) Days happily working in the kitchen.
(c) Days happily tending Mrs. Shelby.
(d) Days with her husband.

4. Broadly speaking, what are Eliza's religious beliefs?
(a) Eliza is Christian.
(b) Eliza is an atheist.
(c) Eliza subscribes to an ancient African religion passed on to her by her family.
(d) Eliza is a Muslim.

5. Who is Phineas Fletcher?
(a) A slave catcher.
(b) A friend of the Hallidays and a fellow Quaker.
(c) A white man who supervises the slaves on the Halliday plantation.
(d) A slave who wants to join Eliza and George on their journey north.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Aunt Chloe?

2. When does the reader see evidence of the slaves belief in Christianity in Chapter 4?

3. When the boat Tom is aboard docks, what does Tom do?

4. What is one thing that happens in the Quaker household that is different from any households that the reader has seen in this novel so far?

5. What is it that makes Eliza feel momentarily sad as she runs away?

Short Essay Questions

1. What character speaks about laws and says, "we have nothing to do with them; all they are for is to crush us, and keep us down."

2. How might the modern reader interpret Mr. Shelby's plan to be absent from the plantation when Tom is to be taken away?

3. How does the reader know that Mr. Shelby regards his wife's happiness as important?

4. Why is Uncle Tom's loyalty to his master such a subject of harsh criticism and ridicule?

5. What do you think the author's purpose is in having a man help Eliza escape even though he is a friend of Mr. Shelby's?

6. Why does the author write that "Sam was in wonderful spirits," when each of his possible sightings of Eliza turn out to not be her?

7. What provides the comic relief in Chapter 6?

8. What is the effect of describing the actual cabin of Uncle Tom as a place where flowers grow and people worship and eat together?

9. What are two good reasons that "The Mother's Struggle" is an appropriate title for Chapter 7?

10. What is the significance of John Von Trompe being described as a former "land-holder and slave owner in the state of Kentucky?"

(see the answer keys)

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