Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tries to convince Tom that it would be advantageous to him to burn his Bible?
(a) Cassy.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Emmeline.
(d) Simon Legree.

2. When Eva is alone in her room, why does Eva cut her hair?
(a) To make washing her hair less difficult.
(b) To make herself look older.
(c) To make doll hair for a doll for Topsy.
(d) To give locks of hair to people to remember her by.

3. At the end of Chapter 45, who does Stowe say will have "a heavy account to answer?"
(a) The Northerners who did nothing to fight slavery.
(b) The President of the United States.
(c) The Southern slave owners.
(d) The Christian church.

4. As Eliza continues to travel to Canada, how does she disguise herself?
(a) As a child.
(b) As a nun.
(c) As a very large woman.
(d) As a man.

5. When Rosa and Ophelia think they see Topsy hiding something she has stolen, what does this item turn out to be?
(a) A book that Eva gave her.
(b) A bag of Candy that Ophelia was going to give her later that night.
(c) A doll that Eva gave her.
(d) A pie that Mammy baked for dessert.

6. What state are George and Eliza in when the reader catches up with their story in Chapter 37?
(a) New Hampshire.
(b) Ohio.
(c) New York.
(d) Pennsylvania.

7. After they get the letter from Tom, what does Aunt Chloe ask Mrs. Shelby to write for her?
(a) A letter to Tom.
(b) A pass and a recommendation.
(c) Directions to New Orleans.
(d) Directions to the nearest city.

8. When Cassy and Emmeline hatch a plan to escape from the Legree plantation, how do Cassy and Emmeline disguise themselves?
(a) As Spaniards.
(b) As ghosts.
(c) As French.
(d) As Mexicans.

9. In Canada, what is George's occupation?
(a) A railroad worker.
(b) A machinist.
(c) A furrier.
(d) A farmer.

10. What is the name of the newest child slave at the St. Clare household?
(a) Sopsy.
(b) Topsy.
(c) Mopsy.
(d) Fopsy.

11. In Chapter 45 what other "character" does the reader learn is based upon the same story as old Pru?
(a) Eliza.
(b) Simon Legree.
(c) Cassy.
(d) Tom.

12. From whom does the reader learn that a black person's testimony as witness in a trial means nothing?
(a) Uncle Tom.
(b) Simon Legree.
(c) Mrs. Shelby.
(d) Mr. Shelby.

13. Who is Legree's former mistress?
(a) Cassy.
(b) Adelia.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Missis.

14. How effective of a money manager is Augustine St. Clare?
(a) He is careless and extravagant with money.
(b) He is a good manager, but people steal from him because he is so trusting.
(c) He is a fairly good money manager.
(d) He is an expert money manager who helps others with their finances.

15. Where is Simon Legree's plantation?
(a) On the New Orleans River in Lousiana.
(b) On the Red River in Mississippi.
(c) On the Mississippi River in Louisiana.
(d) On the Red River in Louisiana.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who on the Shelby plantation offers first to earn extra money in Chapter 21?

2. In a philosophical and religious discussion with Legree, who is it that explains that what he looks forward to is "eternity?"

3. What is it that Topsy does that angers Miss Ophelia?

4. To whom does Eva give reading lessons?

5. When Eva talks to Topsy about love, what is the one thing/person that Topsy admits to loving?

(see the answer keys)

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